Thursday, January 13, 2022

Dress code essay

Dress code essay

Branson believed that employees preferred to work under small companies than under large impersonal corporations. Clothier of generations, Svoboda will close Arlington Heights men's store bows to age, fashion trends, dress code essay. This focus of this research paper, in this regard, is to analyze the cultural perspectives dress code essay doing business in Brazil. Likewise, a school district in Illinois was considering implementing a dress code for their schools based solely on the belief that, "With everyone similarly dressed the threat of gang violence related to what students wear is reduced" Wong,p. Wilde Nov 3, taking note of the apparent advantage that regalia gave up on Catholic schools, some government funded schools chose to receive a school uniform strategy.

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Over the past few years, the dress code guidelines have gotten a lot more strict. Do not get me wrong, some things need to be in the dress code, but as we get older it should be more lenient. Dress code causes a lot of problems at the schools. With dress code being so strict…. People keep wedding photos for years, and the advent of social media all but guarantees that any photo you appear in is up for good darn you Facebook! Suffice it to say, what…. I understand that there is a huge contrversy going on about the dress code being sexist.

Our dress code may be updated every year but that doesnt mean it need to be updated to respect everyone. In my opinion, the answer to the question of dress code in our schools being sexist is yes. The day to celebrate love is around the corner, already has a dress code essay gift and is ready to spend a special moment together. The best way to not feel the winter cold is to receive the hugs and caresses of that special person…. While dress codes are made to make students feel more comfortable in their learning environment, it silently targets and distresses girls.

Making them feel uncomfortable and objectified. A topic overlook by many has impacted schools worldwide. Have you ever noticed that school dress codes are sexist and unfair? School dress codes are very unfair towards female students which is very unfair and sexist. Male students have never faced the school dress codes that female students have faced and that needs to be changed, dress code essay. School dress codes are very racist and sexist…. Introduction Did you know that the first school dress code law was established in by the U. Supreme Court? Since as long ago wasthere has been laws that force students to change their clothing, dress code essay.

A school dress code is a set of rules on how a person can dress, dress code essay. What they can…. While there are a plethora of problems within the American dress code essay system, in this paper we will focus on the growing issue of how dress codes disproportionally target female students and the negative effects this has on their self-view. Supreme Court case…. Beginning as the early s, most schools started having dress codes for females and males. They thought it would make their school look well organized and brought together. Then, year after year the dress code started to discriminate girls and be sexist.

Now, in the world we live in today, sexism is a big problem,…. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Education School Dress code. Essays on Dress code We found 9 free papers on Dress dress code essay. Dress Code in Shcool Essay Dress code. Wedding Invite Dress Codes Dress code Wedding, dress code essay. Sexist Dress Code Essay Dress code Sexism. Only certified experts. Oppressed By Dress Dress code. School Dress Codes Dress code essay Dress code School. School Dress Codes are Unfair Dress code School, dress code essay.

Dress Code in American School Dress code School. Hi, my name is Amy �� In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Get help with your paper. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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Dress code policies have been implemented throughout schools for as long as I can remember. When dress codes were first established they were for maintaining discipline and order for the sake of protecting students. Yet more recently students and parents are beginning to protest against these policies. In Haven Middle School in Evanston, IL over […]. It is sad how school dress codes are implemented. School dress codes allow a student to express themselves and how they feel about themselves and the culture they are living in. Whether it is expressing their attitudes towards comfort, fashion, tradition, or gender expression. When a principle or administration enforces a school dress code they […].

School Dress Codes: One of the most enforced and one of the most hated school policies in the daily life of a high school student. I do have to say, it depends on the school as to what your dress code is. I recently attended one of these rigid dress code policy schools, and let […]. Dress code, good or bad, is a uniform better? Dress code is the requirement of what parts of your body can and can not be showing in school. Some people believe that it restricts how a student can express their individuality. Wilde Nov 3, taking note of the apparent advantage that regalia gave up on Catholic schools, some government funded schools chose to receive a school uniform strategy. Wilde Nov […]. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI is a widely used diagnostic modality.

Both hospitals and standalone imaging centers offer the services. According to the FDA, while MRI is considered a safe modality, there is an underlying potential for injury to patients due to the strong electromagnetic EM fields used in MR scanning Sunder Rajan, When any […]. Schools have used school dress codes to promote a better learning environment since the s. Recently, the policies in place have become a hot topic for teachers, students, and parents alike. A multitude of students in each grade have been affected; although, young girls are the biggest target of these dress codes. With the […]. Wilde Nov 3, noting the perceived benefit that uniforms conferred upon Catholic schools, some public schools decided to adopt a school uniform policy.

Referring to the article Do Uniforms Make Schools Better? Wilde Nov 3, […]. The History of School Dress Code The use of school uniforms dress code in the U. In , the US Supreme Court made a decision that both uniform proponents and opponents used to support their arguments. Specifically, in Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent […]. Activewear is an informal type of clothing with an athletic and stylish touch. Though designed purposely for sports, it has become casual wear in the past few years. It is now a class of its own in the fashion industry. If you are the kind of person who loves an active outdoor life, then this […]. The manner in which you dress not only influences the certainty and your confidence, it additionally projects the initial feeling you are giving to your kindred partners and […].

Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Dress code prepared by our experts:. hile most people would like to adopt a superficial attitude when regarding what they want to wear, conditions are different in several Indian communities, taking into account that dress styles are treated with a form of intellectual seriousness there. The Sari is the most popular form of dress for Indian women and is typically wrapped around the lower part of the body with one of its ends and taken over the…. Works cited: Bruzzi, Stella, and Church Gibson, Pamela, "Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations, and Analysis," Routledge, Decisions by School Superintendents Improper Attitude and Unprofessional Conduct of Teachers To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society - President Theodore oosevelt.

That teaching is at one and the same time an intellectual as well as a moral endeavor, is an idea that is well entrenched in the minds of men since centuries past. The sayings of great teachers of ancient times bear ample testimony to this premise, which continues to hold sway across nations and vastly differing civilizations over the years. In the sense that it takes care of the general well being of young students entrusted to the care of an educational institution and ensures that they are treated fairly and accorded the respect they are due as persons, teaching is most certainly a moral activity.

It is concerned with building and maintaining relationships of trust with pupils…. References Anderson, D. Knowledge for Policy: Improving Education through Research. New York: The Falmer Press. Ave, M. Jesuit High teacher fired amid misconduct claim. Barth, R. Improving schools from within. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Benson, P. All Kids Are Our Kids: What Communities Must Do To Raise Caring and Responsible Children and Adolescents. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Training Session Plan: Job Interview Preparation This training package is about the ability to dress for success in terms of attire for the formal job interview. The training session will span the duration of one hour and include the implementation of the skills needed to understand the importance of one's personal appearance during an interview, better understand the contents of a professional wardrobe, best express an air of personality and professionalism through job interview attire, and implement these tools into real-world interview settings in order to achieve better interviewer perception and additionally better job offer prospects.

References Crampton, S. Advanced Management Journal, 60 3 : pp. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database. Forsythe, S. Grumbine, R. Employees handle a large amount of private documentation and must uphold the law of confidentiality legally and ethically. Despite the stress on confidentiality of client information, communication flow is still important to the organization's ability to get work done. Additionally, communication is not simply fostered in the organizational culture's common professional dress. Because communication skills are so integral to the organization's work, when dealing with other nations over the phone, creating better communication styles in its employees' dealings with one another has become an integral part of the organization's standard operating procedures and mission statement.

There are regular updates regarding company policy for employees and weekly staff meetings to foster a healthy and open communication flow between staff and management. No one need ever feel out of the loop. The organizational flow…. Pharmaceutical industries have to operate in an environment that is highly competitive and subject to a wide variety of internal and external constraints. In recent times, there has been an increasing trend to reduce the cost of operation while competing with other companies that manufacture products that treat similar afflictions and ailments. The complexities in drug research and development and regulations have created an industry that is subject to intense pressure to perform. The amount of capital investment investments required to get a drug from conception, through clinical trials and into the market is enormous.

The already high-strung pharmaceutical industry is increasingly investing greater amounts of resources in search of the next "blockbuster" drug that can help them gain market position and profits. Laws, regulations and patents are important to the industry while spending billions of dollars in ensuring the copyright of their products. It is the intention of this…. Bibliography Ansoff, H. Strategies for diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35 5 , Ansoff, H. Corporate Strategy. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Ashour, M. UAE Begins Examination of Patent Applications. htm Bain, J. Economies of scale, concentration, and the condition of entry in twenty manufacturing industries.

American Economic Review, 44, Clay County The Field Experience Project that I participated over this course has enlightened me in many ways. Having a different perspective as an observer was a very valuable way of examining the teaching environment. The purpose of this essay is to summarize my experience as an interviewer and observer at the Clay County High School in Clay, V. This essay will first give some background on the circumstances of my situation before capturing some specific items that occurred while I was there. After describing some of the background information about the school, I will then give an account of my experiences at the school. I will describe the details about my activities and interactions while I was present as an observer.

The final part of the essay will discuss some of my specific observations about culture and how culture affected the school that I observed. Background Clay County High…. Works Cited Barth, R. The Culture Builder. Educational Leadership, 59, 8. pp pdf Chenoweth, E. Factors in-uencing college aspirations of rural West Virginia high school students. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 19 2. pdf Clay Count High School Website. Viewed 1 March html US News and World Report. Clay County High School. Additionally, the school's policy to let parents know when there are issues with their children should only be related to issues that pertain to schooling.

What goes on in the life of a student and is not related to school should not be the business of the school. It would be, therefore, unethical for Donna to call Melissa's parents and tell them that their daughter is pregnant. That information was told to Donna in confidence and does not have anything to do with the girl's performance at school. Conclusion In short, it would appear that Donna should avoid telling Melissa's parents of the pregnancy and intended abortion, because it does not relate to school business and Melissa is old enough to get an abortion without parental consent in her state. While it is understandable that Donna is against abortion given her Catholic beliefs, those are personal and not related to….

References De La Torre, M. Doing Christian ethics from the margins. NY: Orbis Books. Fagothey, a. Right and reason. Sarat, a. et al. The limits of law. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Schools barred from telling parents of abortion Law of the Land. Also, like the IBM researcher noted, it also impacts company performance. Some suggest that companies perform better with a formal atmosphere and others, like IBM workers, think they can think and work more clearly if they are comfortable. In the end, whatever type of image the company want to portray, that is the kind of dress code that they will adopt.

But who makes those decisions? Some may argue that it is up to an employer to set the dress code. In many ways, this is true. Boards of directors should get together and discuss the major issues in dress. Are many of the company's employees going out from day-to-day visiting other firms and potential clients. Do those clients come from high-powered business environments that relish the suit and tie? Are there internal issues like sexual harassment or ethnic or religious considerations to discuss before adopting a dress code?

school uniforms within a school system. Ideas such as school discipline, student behavior, and academic achievement are discussed along with examples of why different schools have implemented student use of uniforms. Various viewpoints are presented, along with proponents and opponents concerns for the actual implementation of uniforms. There are many opposing arguments on the issue of whether public school students in the United States should be required to wear uniforms or obey dress codes. Improvement of discipline and academic performance, reduction of fashion competition among students are a few of the reasons given in support of implementing school uniforms.

However, the opposing viewpoints maintain that requiring school uniforms are a violation of students' First Amendment right to…. Works Cited Brunsma, David. Clinton, William J. Text of Presidential Memo to Secretary of Education on School Uniforms Washington DC: U. Newswire, Transcript of Presidential Radio Address to the Nation. Washington DC: U. Flapper Movement The Effect of the Flappers on Today's Women The 's in the U. And UK can be described as a period of great change, both socially and economically. During this period the image of the women completely changed and a "new women" emerged who appears to have impacted social changes occurring in future generations of both men and women.

This new symbol of the women was the Flapper. The Flapper was a new type of young woman that was rebellious, fun, bold and outspoken Zeitz, This research paper explains the rise and fall of the Flapper in the 's, explores its historical and current impact on women in terms of culture, work, gender and social behavior and reflects on its long-term impact of the position of today's women. Evolution of the Flapper Flappers, most often characterized as the "New Woman," originally emerged in the s in the…. References Allen, F. Only yesterday: An informal history of the nineteen-twenties. New York: Harper and Row. Baughm J. American decades: New York: Manly.

Bliven, B. New Republic, pp. The important aspect to consider is the way that people perceive and accept these differing power distributions. The barrier and problem that Sally experiences in this particular case is that she comes from a society that favors a low power distance model of behavior as the accepted norm; whereas in the society in which she is now staying the cultural norms and accepted context is one of high power distance. In theoretical terms this means that Sally wishes to reduce the distance between herself and the housemaid on the cultural and normative grounds that all people are equal regardless of their social position.

However, this view runs counter to the norms adopted in the high power culture, which reflects the view that the maidservant should know her place in the societal and cultural structure and that it is not correct or acceptable for the maid to address Sally informally. Bibliography Definition of gordita. Retrieved April 24, has become an example of notable success. One reason for its significant achievement is its application of Reinforcement Theory to its employees. These applications have resulted in a highly motivated workforce, which is intimately tied to Southwest's success among business leaders.

Even so, not even Southwest can satisfy its employees' needs according to Maslow's Hierarchy; rather, Southwest can only give some raw materials for satisfying those needs. Are Southwest Airlines Inc. leadership and policies fulfilling Maslow's Needs Theory stages? Abraham Maslow's 5-stage needs theory, developed in the United States during the 's and 's Chapman, Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, , includes the following stages: biological and physiological needs; safety needs; belongingness and love needs; esteem needs; and self-actualization Chapman, Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, The most basic needs that are basic to survival and are at the bottom….

Works Cited Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved on October 24, from www. html Coca-Cola Company. html Erdogan, B. Organizational behavior. Retrieved on October 24, from students. Retrieved on October 24, from www1. Business Plan for Tailoring Workshop Company: A Tailor Shop on Wheels This business plan is for the Tailoring Workshop Company hereinafter alternatively "the company" , a mobile tailor shop for men clothes that will have a Web site and a mobile app available through the Apple Store. The company will focus on tailoring men's suits only. Customers will be able to contact their personal tailor through the company's Web site or via the mobile app, but there will be no physical brick-and-mortar facilities or retail outlet.

Customers will be able to create a free online account that enables them to explore all fabric choices and design collections so they can select the combinations that most appeal to them. The mobile app and Web site will facilitate changes so that customers can instantaneously visualize the results of their choices. In addition to using the company's available designs, customers will also be able…. References Craik, J. The face of fashion: Cultural studies in fashion. Dahl, D. How to write an operational plan for your business. Davis, J. Clothier of generations, Svoboda will close Arlington Heights men's store bows to age, fashion trends. Daily Herald Arlington Heights, IL , 1.

estern and Muslim Educational Philosophies The Foundations of Function: Educational Philosophy and Psychology Meet the Social Realities of ESL Instruction Education into English as a Second Language ESL has become very important in this country, as many people are coming in from non-English speaking countries because they feel that America has much more to offer them. These children are eager to learn, but they often struggle because they do not understand the English language well. Even those that can speak English reasonable well sometimes have difficulties because there are many subtleties in the English language that these ESL students do not understand or even realize. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the ESL education that goes on in the estern world, as well as the ESL education that Muslims deal with.

The similarities and differences will be discussed, and Muslims who come to America will also be discussed. Works Cited Bashir-Ali. Teaching Muslim girls in American schools. Social Education. Cortes, C. The Education of Language Minority Students. Los Angeles, California: Evaluation, Dissemination and Assessment Center, CSU, Los Angeles. Designing inset programmes for Muslim schools. htm O'Malley, M. Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners. New York: Addison Wesley. Sumptuary Laws in the Roman Empire The Roman Republic and the Roman Empire were both grandiose and both are a major part of the history of the world. However, they were quite different in many significant ways but they were also similar in some ways as it relates to social structure, the way people dressed and how society proceeded and developed.

The major difference between the two was that the Senate and people had a lot of power in the Republic while the Emperor reigned supreme in the Roman Empire. However, the differences are a lot deeper than that in some ways. hile some people conflate the Roman Empire and Roman Republic, there is a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to Roman History. Analysis The main differences between the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic are fairly easy to list. hen it came to the Roman…. Works Cited Encyclopedia. Com Articles About Sumptuary Laws'. Fashion Encyclopedia,. So, I decided to use this expectation as a way to show just how prevalent gender associations are in a social setting. One night I attended a local club in a much different way than how I normally go out. Rather than wearing a dress or skirt with heals and make up, I went out this night in baggy Dickey shorts, borrowed from a friend, and no make up whatsoever.

I chose this cultural role as a way to show just how much physical appearance was a part of how we assigned gender identity. I had previously thought that this was an important part of gender, due to the extreme actions many people take in order to adapt their physical appearance to their gender role. Various plastic surgery procedures, such breast augmentation, liposuction,…. Works Cited Lewis, Oscar. Culture and Poverty. I did not have the proper publishing information to finish the source citation. Include the year published, location, and publisher.

Lorber, Judith. Yale University. Ethics of Accommodating Religion As the diversity within businesses increases at an alarming pace with the entire world transforming into a global village, employers, employees and legislators are all concerned about accommodating religious beliefs and observances. ith the signing of Title VII that permits employees to observe the tenets of their religion at workplace, employers are planning how to obey the laws and utilize the religious accommodation as a growing strength for their profitable businesses.

This research paper addresses the most debatable issue of accommodating religious beliefs in commercial, professional and industrial dealings. Furthermore, the paper will outline the ways in which religious accommodation can be made possible and positive for both employees and the employers. The paper will also highlight the implication of religious accommodation in the workplace and will present the future direction. Ethics of accommodating religion The reason for being at work is to perform a job. Works Cited Murphy H. Balancing faith with work Employees, firms must weigh beliefs vs. offending others. Religion in the workplace: liabilities and opportunities. pdf November 15, Lynn J. Even though many sought change, it took many decades for their reform to take hold and of course, like all change there were many set backs along the way.

One popular writer of the time quipped that the women of New York City should be paid as street sweepers for each stroll they took. Reform of the era's fashions may have been hard to come by because dress reform was a dangerous topic. The Victorian era was a male dominated culture intent on maintaining the boundaries between the masculine and feminine genders. The United States in the nineteenth century was a time when abandoning the accepted norms of fashion could provoke violence and ridicule. Even clothing for children was slow to change. Infants were almost habitually dressed in long night gowns and older children in both urban and rural families wore poorly fitted dress like clothes until they could work…. Global Business Cultural Analysis: Brazil Cultural backgrounds reflect the ways and standards of living, which is unique and different for each country.

In fact, the business world is also profoundly influenced by the cultural differences of the counties. This focus of this research paper, in this regard, is to analyze the cultural perspectives of doing business in Brazil. Therefore, major elements and dimensions of Brazilian culture such as business structures, management styles, communication, ethics, values, and customs are discussed comprehensively. Moreover, the discussion has also been made on how the local businessmen integrate these cultural dimensions and elements. Indeed, a detailed comparison United States business has been made with that of Brazilian culture and business elements by means of Hofstede's dimension tool that is particularly used for measuring cultural differences.

Finally, the paper concludes with the implications for the U. businesses that plans and desires to conduct business in Brazil. References Aswathappa. International Business 4E. India: Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Beekun, R. Business Ethics in Brazil and the U. Journal of Business Ethics, 42 3 , Boraas, T. USA: Capstone. deVries, A. Frommer's Brazil. Gangs in Public School Many schools especially in urban and suburban areas continue to register gang-related activities within their premises and involving their students. This study appreciates the dangers associated with such gangs to the schools and other stakeholders around them. Various laws and regulation have been passed in different states in the U.

allow parents to withdraw their children from certain public schools. Schools reputed for gang-related problems stand to lose students. This paper provides the scope of action steps in which schools take to intervene, prevent, and suppress the scope of violent gang activity while establishing crisis response plans. The strategies are developed to address potential actions of school violence including gang activity. Gang members bring in their attitudes, behaviors, and conflicts to the school compounds. The dangerous gang issues and activities of a given community take place within local schools.

Gang members take on each other within…. References Branch, C. Adolescent Gangs: Old Issues, New Approaches. New York: Routledge. Garot, R. Who You Claim: Performing Gang Identity in School and on the Streets. NYU Press Kinnear, K. Gangs: A Reference Handbook. New York: ABC-CLIO. Macnab, N. Uncle Sam's Schoolhouse: Bullying, Predators, and Students. New York: Dog Ear Publishing. Fall Trends for Christian Dior, which is commonly known as Dior, is a luxury goods firm that has developed over the years to become an important part of LVMH, which is the largest luxury group in the world.

The company, which is headquartered in France, was founded in by Christian Dior, a designer who the company was named after. Since its inception, Dior has experienced tremendous growth and profitability over the years to become a leading company in the fashion design industry. Currently, Dior designs and retails a wide range of products including leather goods, jewelry, fashion accessories, make-up, footwear, ready-to-wear goods, fragrance, and skincare products. As part of designing and retailing these products, Dior operates several labels for men and children's wear products while retaining its Christian Dior label mostly to women's products.

The company not only sells its products online but also throughout its wide range…. Bibliography Annual Report LVMH Group. accessed September 27, lvmh- static. pdf Fashion Color Report Fall Pantone Color Institute Volume eligion and Politics All religions aim to provide a code of life for mankind. Apart from other tenets, this code establishes laws that govern all areas of man's life. Thus the laws established by the religion Islam are termed as Shariah. The term Shariah means all of the Islamic Laws and is derived from four basic sources. These sources are The Holy Quran, Sunnah, Ij'ma consensus of the Companions Sahabah and Qiyas or analogical deduction.

These laws are not just limited to areas such as marriage or divorce; rather, the Islamic laws cover every action performed by an individual or a society. The term Shariah is also synonymous with Fiqh. However the term Fiqh means knowledge of all the Islamic Laws Shariah. It can also be taken to mean the Knowledge of the sources from where the Islamic Laws Shariah have been extracted. Shariah or Islamic Laws are divine ways…. References S. Fatimi, Islam Comes to Malaysia. Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, MSRI , Singapore. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer, U. Development Fund for Women protests stoning sentence against Nigerian woman. Author not available, Mexico's president to fight death penalty in Nigeria. D'ARCY DORAN, Associated Press Writer, Nigerian government 'totally opposed' to death by stoning sentence.

Once the practice of Islamic worship the women of that region began to be subjected to stricter codes, from marriage to dress and the risk of honor becoming an even greater issue grew. The terrorization by the Mongols and Turks was quite different from the terror under Saddam. The Mongols and Turks utilized slavery, rape, beatings and murder. Saddam instead took on an entirely different approach. His first goal was fear coupled with violence to maintain the plans he made for the society and culture. He was less about Islam and more about self-promotion and the glorification of Iraq. This type of leader is most like Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union.

One never knew when or why you might be targeted. They are a definite majority and should be in a better…. Works Cited "AEI - Post-Saddam Iraq Conference Series. Chesler, Phyliss. Coleman, Isobel. Tattered Jeans as the Fashion of the Popular Culture In the fashion of popular culture in today's American society, jeans are perhaps the most often used by people of all socio-economic classes and fashion tastes. The jeans made its debut as a form of clothing when Levi Strauss, maker of the jeans brand Levi's, made the first pairs of jeans during the year The cloth that was used to make the first jeans were made of canvas cloth, which was originally intended to be used for the construction of tents by the coal miners during the Gold ush of the 19th century.

When it became apparent that what the people, especially the miners, needed were not tents and shelter but clothing, Strauss made these canvas cloths into men's trousers. Thus, the first pairs of jeans were born, and the popular jeans brand of Levi's was introduced to the world…. References Fry, Nick. Stretton, Lynda. Islam According to Esposito , there is often a "bitter debate" over the role of women in Muslim society p. The different role of women in different Muslim countries reflects this debate. On the one extreme, the Taliban in Afghanistan have closed women's schools because it is believed that women should not be educated and should instead serve in their "primary roles as wives and mothers," Esposito, , p. Similarly fundamentalist interpretations, or misinterpretations, of Islamic law are evident in Iran, Sudan, and Algeria, as well as a few other places as well Esposito, On the other hand, some Muslim women in Turkey and other countries eschew the veil and other hallmarks of female Muslim identity.

Gender roles and norms remain one of the most contentious issues in Islam today, and this issue is also one of the reasons why Islam is both misunderstood and maligned by…. References The Oxford History of Islam, ed. John L. Esposito New York: Oxford University Press, PBS Frontline. Identity and Identity Construction Identity is socially constructed, a process that begins at an early age. Child rearing practices at home and school and community socialization begin the process of identity construction Rogoff, As the individual constructs his or her own identity, exogenous forces also shape that individual's identity such as reactions to the way a person's appearance. For visible minorities, belonging to closely-knit communities in small groups can greatly enhance the process of identity construction, particularly for minority youth Bratt, This remains true throughout the young person's life, including the person's transition from adolescence into young adulthood.

Therefore, it makes sense to focus on adolescence and young adulthood when investigating biculturality among Muslim American…. At the outset, the story seems like a peek at a young boy's frustrated sexuality. He describes the scantily-clad girls with curiosity, as an observer of social status and body language. Larry is attracted to them, but more than that, he wants to know their stories: why they entered the convenience store dressed in bathing suits when the nearest beach is five miles away. By noticing the items they select and the aisles they choose to walk down, Larry forms a personal impression of the girls.

However, the narrator also addresses them as nonconformists, as…. Emotional labour is a common phenomenon, especially in service industries. Broadly speaking, emotional labour means that an individual at the workplace displays positive or organisationally-acceptable emotions regardless of their true emotional state Hochschild, When interacting with customers, for instance, a customer service employee is required to treat customers with empathy, kindness, and calmness irrespective of how the employee is feeling or how the customer behaves or talks. Portraying negative emotions such as anger, frustration, and hostility would potentially injure the reputation of the organisation or negatively affect customer confidence in the organisation.

Fundamentally, emotional labour means that while at work, the experience and articulation of feelings should be separated in the sense that one is expected to display the desired emotions, not the emotions they are actually experiencing Ward and McMurray, Does emotional labour mean that service organisations must consider employees with the ability to manage their emotions? Egypt, Fashion and Merchandising Religion, culture, national pride and tradition all play a part in merchandising approaches and fashion businesses in Egypt.

The tradition of the family, gender issues, the roles of men and women in society, the extent to which religious beliefs are promoted in the culture—all of this impacts merchandising and fashion. This paper will look at how religion influences merchandising approaches and fashion businesses in Egypt and discuss the effect that religion has on retail and whether or not religious customs appear to be changing. Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country with a somewhat strong level of Coptic Christian communities. For that reason, the government adopts a secular attitude towards religion, but the religious culture and climate has a strong tradition for dictating dress and merchandising approaches.

Other than in Cairo, where events like Cairo Fashion Week are annually held to promote fashion designs that are…. School Uniforms Perhaps the biggest debate of public education over the past decade besides school vouchers has been the debate over whether or not it is legal to require students to wear a uniform to school. Increased crime, gang violence, poor academic performance in public schools has sparked the movement towards mandatory school uniforms. hile school uniforms may seem the perfect solution to the problem, to some its as good as putting a band-aid on a three-inch deep wound. There are many arguments for and against school uniforms in public schools; the main concern has to do with the legality of making uniforms compulsory for public school students.

The focus of this paper will be to discuss the issues presented by those both for and against school uniforms. Additionally, the legality of such a policy if implemented will also be presented. Finally, facts and figures on those schools that have…. Works Cited Brunsma, David and Kerry A. The Journal of Educational Research Court Orders School to Enroll Honors Student Who Protested Mandatory Uniform Policy. shtml Holmquist, Micah. Mass Media and Congressional Campaigns in U.. This is a study on the mass media principles and how they are used in congressional campaigns in the U.. It has 12 sources. In view of the strong economic-based relationship that exists between the congressional elections and the mass media, more rigid laws need to be established in addition to a screening process for each candidate through which they all have to pass in order to represent the American people.

The media plays an important role in contemporary political activity, as it is a key communicator. This communication is supposed to serve the needs of the people as a whole and bring information to them that would serve their interests. However, such media may be the tool of politicians, as they may manipulate certain important information about themselves in order to gain popularity. Ideally, it is the media that is used to…. Sources: Annenberg Public Policy Center, Media in the Home Cohen S, Young J eds The Manufacture of News: Social Problems, Deviance and the Mass Media revised.

London: Constable. Conflicting Theories of Congressional Elections. Accessed on Educational Situations List 4 examples of opportunties you have given students to listen to language at school. Ensure that you include one example that reflects the relevance to the student's culture and background. A Jewish student, who attends Hebrew School classes in the evenings, shared information about the Hebrew alphabet and history about the Hebrew language with the class as part of a student-directed learning session. The entire class practiced reciting the alphabet, and we watched a short film that was in Hebrew with English subtitles so that the students could hear the language in normal use. This student was able to share the language as well as an important part of her culture with the class in a fun lesson.

One student who aspires to be a comic book artist is very enthusiastic about Japanese anime and Japanese "manga" comic books. He brought authentic Japanese anime videos and manga…. ise of the Secular Turkish epublic It was in that the epublic of Turkey appeared on the face of the globe. The Turks consider the preceding years i. The Turkish state that was formed as a consequence of this struggle was a completely new republic despite the fact that various partition schemes were proposed by the triumphant Allies during and after The Great War I Alaranta This paper will discuss the rise of the Secular Turkish epublic. It will elaborate the state of the empire when Sultan Abdul Hamid II came into power. It will also tackle the actions taken under his leadership to restrain European authority and involvement which eventually led to Sultan's demise.

However, the rise of the secular Turkish epublic is mainly due to the countless efforts of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Therefore, this paper would extensively…. References Ahmed, N. WordPress, n. Alaranta, T. Blumberg, Arnold, ed. Great Leaders, Great Tyrants? Contemporary Views of World Rulers Who Made History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Huge esearch Project The conflict of the individual vs. society is a timeless conflict that plagues each and every one of us. It is an integral part of our genetic make-up so that despite everything we as individuals need to be part of society as our need for interdependence is so great. And that is the reason why the conflict of individual and society persists with no panacea for it, and will continue to be a war waged with either one triumphing over the other as the situation warrants.

Freud's psychoanalytic theory might have stirred up a controversy, but it was able to aptly indicate the everyday conflict that man faces being part of the society. His theory with id as the primal instincts that humans follow, the ego as the regulator and the superego as the philanthropist has enabled us to pinpoint the probable causes of this ubiquitous conflict…. References Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs motivational model. Ebert, Roger. Elliott, Anthony. Psychoanalytic Theory: An Introduction. North Carolina: Duke University Press, Maslin, Janet. Lengel says, "That's all right but this isn't the beach. In any event, Queenie says, "e are decent"; she is definitely becoming agitated, and as the narrator reminds readers, she is acutely conscious of her apparent high social standing, and needn't put up with a pious loser manager in a store "pretty crummy" store.

The Sunday school pedagogue has his last say; "Girls I don't want to argue with you. After this come in here with your shoulders covered. It's our policy. Sammy hasn't rung up the herring fillets yet; but the….

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