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Law enforcement essays

Law enforcement essays

References Kenney, D. htm US Department of Justice Within urban areas, the sheriff may be constrained to those duties. However, according to Vox news says, An law enforcement essays of the available FBI data by Dara Lind for Vox found that US police kill black people at […]. It empowers…. Essay topics.

The Future Of Digital Crime And Digital Terrorism Research Paper Samples

Providing fast and open communication is a crucial component of law enforcement's role in law enforcement essays emergency situation, particular natural disasters in which the circumstances of law enforcement essays danger can change rapidly and seemingly without warning. In fact, most emergency management situations will require fast responses from law enforcement personnel and agencies. A HAZMAT situation is one such example, in which it is crucial that individual members of the law enforcement agency are well-trained in how to respond to the presence of a hazardous material in order to limit the damage or threat to public safety that such an incident can cause.

Though the track record of the transportation industry is excellent, it is a simple fact that accidents with hazardous law enforcement essays will occur. The primary role of law enforcement in a situation like this is to operate at the first-responder and awareness level of management Donahue, Law enforcement agencies must…. References Cloud, R. And Lowe, B. Evacuation fundamentals. Fire Engineering, 1pp. Collins, L. Tsunamis: a wakeup call for the U. Fire Engineering, 10law enforcement essays, pp. Donahue, M. Hazardous materials training. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 62 11pp. Fickes, law enforcement essays, M. Expect the best, plan for the worst: disaster planning, prudent steps and cooperation with government law enforcement characterize the future direction of many colleges and universities in response to the September 11 terrorist attack.

Law Enforcement On September 11,almost a decade past, the world was not only shocked by the events surrounding the terrorist actions against the United States, but the basic mission of law enforcement; local, regional, state, federal, law enforcement essays, and international, law enforcement essays, has dramatically changed. This ensues several challenges faced by law enforcement, law enforcement essays. Despite new legislation, for instance, it is…. Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Prentice Hall. Sales, N. Mending Law enforcement essays Information Sharing after the U. Patriot Act. Texas Law Review. Simmons, R. Searching for Terrorists: Why Public Safety is Not a Special Need. A: Again, it depends entirely on the law enforcement essays of continual education and law enforcement essays we're talking about: repeating simplistic ethical training scenarios originally presented in the academy law enforcement essays even less effective with respect to seasoned police veterans than with respect to rookies or trainees, law enforcement essays.

On the other hand, if we're talking about law enforcement essays well-designed program that really reflects the realities of policing and that fundamentally distinguishes legitimate issues of corruption from trivial matters and unrealistic standards that are all but ignored on the street by veteran officers, then yes, I think continual education and training is essential in police ethics just as it is in other police services and functions. Q: Thank you very much for your time Sergeant, I really appreciate your participation. A: You're very welcome. I'd let you buy me a…. Law Enforcement Interview Imagine studying the opinion of another law enforcement officer. What could one learn from that individual?

Does he or she have any recommendations that are worth mentioning? How is discipline issues handled? One will discuss the various questions asked to Daniel Heinze with much analysis. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? Daniel believes that ethics and character is quite important in the field of law enforcement. He said, "From all the years of work I have done in the community, I have seen officers exploit their power by speeding and abusing innocent people" Heinze, ecently, in the news, one has exploited another as a means of harming an innocent individual. This person has faced fines and termination from the law enforcement essays department. Everyone in Saline County was disappointed Heinze, One needs to explain how someone gets to work….

References Heinze, D. Salina Police Department Sheriff. Mattke, Interviewer. Goal setting techniques also reduce stress, as a sense of purpose is now both part of time and personal management within the police department. Collaborative policing through electronic communication can also serve as a time-saving device. Police departments can now collaborate to a certain extent without the cost of travel or long telephone conversations. It is important to recognize the various aspects of time management within policing. oth personal, professional and community issues are at stake. The police provides a very important service to the public, and should therefore be at its optimum level of performance.

Performance law enforcement essays only be optimized through careful planning and strategizing techniques. These should then include a consideration of needs within the…. Time Management: Conquering the Clock. Amsterdam: Pfeiffer Mancini, law enforcement essays, Marc. Time Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Sewell, James D. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Database: FindArticles. com Sewell, James D. Provide examples that support your thoughts Today's society is incredibly diverse and this level of diversity also requires that law enforcement organizations incorporate diversity into their organization as well to handle these challenges.

By incorporating diversity into the law enforcement organization, it is possible to improve race relations, law enforcement essays, public attitudes towards police, police professionalism as well as minimize the potential for racial profiling. However, there are many law enforcement organizations that have a great deal of racism within their organizational cultures. This can definitely affect the law enforcement agency in a variety of negative ways. Even if the policing organization is just perceived as racist then they are likely to receive a different treatment from the public than would be optimal. Joseph McNamara observes that "Learning…. Works Cited U. Department of State. Ethics and Effective Policing. Retrieved April 2,from U. Law Enforcement and Police Calls Police Services, Keeping the Peace or City Services Hotline?

As a society, it is collectively understood that contacting the police is a community service available to citizens. The phone number to connect emergency service dispatchers is the law enforcement essays, ',' digits. hile there are additional channels in which non-emergency calls may be routed, the '' option is the most memorable and universally known means for a citizen to connect with emergency services. The types of calls that police respond to are generally categorized into four categories that correlate with legitimate functions of law enforcement and fighting crime. However, law enforcement essays, there is also a fifth class of requests that falls outside of police duties.

This paper discusses the categories of police service requests, as well as considering the less conspicuous implications of prostitution and call-services on law enforcement and crime fighting. John C. Meyer specifically cites four areas…. Works Cited Walker, S. The Police in America: An Introduction 6th Edition. New York, New York: McGraw-HIll. Farlex, Law enforcement essays. callgirl and streetwalker definition. Community policing calls for decentralization both in command structure and decision-making. Decentralized decision making permits officers on the front line to take responsibility for their job.

When an officer is given more power to create solutions to problems and take risks, they feels more accountable for those solutions and assumes a greater responsibility for the well being of everyone in the community. I think that even with the availability of more real time information that managers will continue to follow the Community Policing Model, law enforcement essays. I feel this way because I believe that the Community Policing Model is law enforcement essays good idea. It allows for the officers on the street to have more control over the decisions that they make.

It empowers…. References Community-Oriented Policing. html Community Policing Defined. Retrieved April 5,from U.

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Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis and Crime Analysis: Understanding their Differences and Cooperative Value, Michigan State University, viewed 18 January , Coyne, J. Strategic Intelligence in Law Enforcement: a Review, Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, vol. Derencivonic, D. Cooperation of Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies in Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, CAIRN, viewed 18 January , Federation of American Scientists n. Law Enforcement Intelligence Classifications, Products, and Dissemination, Federation of American Scientists, viewed 18 January , Friedman, D TECH Cops: How Technological Advances are Changing Police Work, Greenwich Time, viewed 18 January , Lemieux, F Intelligence and state surveillance in modern societies: An international perspective.

Emerald Publishing Limited: Bradford, United Kingdom. McCahill, M Rounding Up the Usual Suspects? Developments in Contemporary Law Enforcement Intelligence, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, vol. Effect of Multiculturalism Education on the Police Force Cultural issues affect law enforcement more than most government workers. Every day, the police come into contact with several people from practically every culture in the areas they police. This reality creates a need for policemen and women to understand the dynamics of multiculturalism. Indeed, the success of community policing depends significantly on how law enforcement relates to people of different cultures Hendricks and Byers, An interesting dynamic when it comes to community policing is that the power law enforcement has can make them an oppressor or a friend of the community based solely on the optics of their operations.

This makes multicultural education quite important to the police Hennessy, n. When designing a multicultural curriculum for a police department, it should be specifically tailored to the community being impacted and the police department in question. Carl Jung theorized on…. References Hendricks, J. Multicultural perspectives in criminal justice and cultural awareness training for police in the United States criminology 2nd ed. Springfield, Illinois: Charles Thomas publisher, ltd. Hennessy, S. Thinking cop- feeling cop: A study in police personalities 3rd ed. Gainesville, Florida, Center for the Application of Psychological Type. Cultural awareness training for police in the United States: A look at effective methodologies. pdf Jung, C. Psychological types.

Hull Translation. Rascher Verlag. Original work published in Wilkins, D. Are we using the wrong teaching method in our criminal justice classes? Journal of criminal justice education, 7 1. Ethics, Values, and Self-Awareness: What Was Lacking in Tulsa The deplorable shooting of an unarmed man named Eric Courtney Harris was precipitated by unethical and ineffective leadership practices and policies used in the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office. One of the key issues in this case is that the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office relies on public elections of their sheriffs, inviting potential corruption and preventing law enforcement from being independent from politics.

Another issue in this case reflects poorly on almost every other police department in the nation: ineffective training. Finally, the Tulsa case reveals the problems with entrenched organizational cultures that condone violent responses to conflicts rather than inculcating nonviolent conflict resolution strategies. All of the problems in the Tulsa case can be traced to leadership failures, ethical violations, a lack of self-awareness, and a lack of strong values. Former Tulsa deputy Robert Bates was an insurance salesman who was…. References Huberts, L. A study of the impact of three leadership styles on integrity violations committed by police officers. Jones, C. Tulsa World. Tulsa sheriff to resign over shooting by deputy who bought his way into police. News and World Report.

June 24, Character and servant leadership. The Journal of Virtues and Leadership 1 1 : Law enforcement and corrections can be influenced by several external threats. These consist of external communication gaps and many environmental influences. One of the key external threats that impacts both corrections and law enforcement is politics. In delineation, politics is the art of wielding one's authority and power over the government or public affairs. In particular, political action can give rise to the imposition of one's interests within the government, in positions of leadership within the government, with regard to the control over resources, as well as in terms of holding government office. Politics influence law enforcement and corrections by impacting the individuals that will hold different positions in criminal justice, for instance the police, judges, prosecutors as well as correctional executives.

Law enforcement, administration, and corrections are linked with politics on various extents and levels. Prevailing political philosophy and ideology influence the structure, organization, as well as anticipation of…. Public schools reported a much higher percentage of gang presence than private schools. The gangs thus begat violence, just as the users whom they sell their drugs to also begat violence in their attempts to get enough money to buy more drugs. According to the annual Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS National Crime Victimization Survey NCVS cited by the Justice Information Center, there is a strong correlation between drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime.

Data collected from male arrestees in in 35 cities showed that the percentage testing positive for any drug ranged from Gangs and drugs Drug-related crimes are not merely the result of desperate actions of individuals in thrall to their addiction. Drug-related crimes also often have an organized source, and organized sources of drugs also are a source of violent crime. htm relation one must look at the organized face of drug-related crime to gain a full picture of the negative impact drugs have on society. Second, I would look at whether I had provided my subordinates with a common purpose, and whether I had taken the time to explain that purpose to my subordinates. Third, I would determine whether I had ensured that my subordinates understood priorities, both my priorities and the priorities of my superiors.

Fourth, I would examine my methods of confliction resolution to determine whether I had been using a win-win method of conflict resolution or if I had been adhering to older, punitive means of conflict resolution. Fifth, I would examine my policy towards my subordinates; did I listen to them when they came to me with problems, or did I try to offer solutions without really hearing what they had to say. Sixth, I would look at what I had done to promote synergy; whether I had done anything to actively encourage community cooperation with my organization. Finally, I would…. Works Cited Franklin Covey. Franklin Covey. Harris, John. Florida Department of Law Enforcement. While it is a felony to flee the scene of an accident, a police office is ethically bound to report the issue if he himself is in such an accident.

The same is with drunken and disorderly behavior or destruction of property. In "Choirboys" the police officers would congregate in a park after hours to engage in drunkenness, disorderly behavior and sexual orgies with women. And this park was supposed to be out of bounds and closed to the public after hours. Loyalty The introduction in this essay already alluded to the "blue wall of silence" that accompanies every police organization. This is an exclusive fraternity and officers are required to look after and out for each other. In fact, beat cops see themselves as removed from the detective squad, whom they refer to as suits. Certainly, most police hate the Internal affairs squad, though they were once beat cops…. Bibliography BusinessWeek.

Who will Fastow Implicate. htm Gilmartin, K. Law Enforement Ethics: The Continuum of Compromise. These gratuitous cookies are simply a show of appreciation to the police force in general and enhance the job satisfaction factor for officers. On the other hand, the Code of Ethics states that "Officers will refuse to accept any gifts, presents, subscriptions, favors, gratuities or promises that could be interpreted as seeking to cause the officer to refrain from performing official responsibilities honestly and within the law" n. With this in mind, it would not be acceptable for an officer to accept a free oil change, in exchange for him not reporting the fact that he noticed a stolen car in the back of shop.

Even when gratuities are given without a specific 'favor' in mind, it could be implied that that officer will give special treatment to the person at a later date, and for this reason, in general, gratuities should not be accepted. eferences Code of ethics online. References Code of ethics online. No date. Law Enforcement Officers and Gratuities. Law Enforcement Introduction The Modern Police Forces Prior to the formation of the Philadelphia force in , policing primarily consisted of "night watches" and sheriffs recruited from the community Sabeth. The role of law enforcement was ad hoc in nature to fight crime, night watch patrols, and not an organized or uniform organization.

Incidentally, the rural nature of the country did not necessitate an established and robust policing force until the urbanization and industrialization of the s and s. In response to a growing need to maintain law and order on city streets, a significant and visible presence was needed to counter riots and avert crime. Philadelphia, and later New York, first established polices forces whose jurisdiction and duties were attended twenty-four hours a day Sabeth. The significance of the modern police force was that it was developed to prevent crime, law enforcement, and maintain order by being visibly present…. Sabeth, D. The Evolution of American Policing.

Accountability "Accountability refers to the mechanisms by which both law enforcement officers and the agencies they serve are held responsible for promoting social order, reducing crime, and treating each individual fairly and within the limits of the law" Chambliss, The three dimensions of police accountability are accountability to the public, accountability to the law, and accountability to each other other members of the police force. If one were to look at the most fundamental dimension of police accountability, such as accountability to the public, one would see just how crucial this is: "It both defines and protects citizens' rights while also promoting a collective sense of faith in the larger criminal justice system" Chambliss, The three E's are "Effectiveness -- whether police accomplish what they are supposed to do: A.

Do they effectively control crime? Are they successful in arresting offenders? Efficiency-- whether they accomplish their tasks…. References Chambliss, W. Police and Law Enforcement. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing. Katz, C. Chapter Outline. Retrieved from McGraw-Hill. html Newham, G. Tackling Police Corruption. Retrieved from issafrica. Law Enforcement Communications Interoperability of Emergency Service Communications The number and scope of each individual emergency and public safety agency has resulted in an ad hoc patchwork of communication equipment. Routine daily needs within one agency for clear and concise communication fall short of readiness for large-scale emergencies involving either multiple services or jurisdictions. The current budgeting autonomy of each public service department has resulted in a many agencies with antiquated equipment, while others posses more modern tools, that may sufficiently serve current needs, yet is clearly inadequate for more common emergencies like large fires or traffic pile ups.

However, interoperability, the capability to communicate across different gear, radio frequencies, and standardization, both limits and delays the response time, as well as effectiveness, of each individual. hen emergencies entail injuries and danger, timely command and communication of resources may be the difference between life and death. The video, "hy Can't…. Why Can't We Talk? When Lives Are At Stake. Retrieved 26 Oct. The Council was created to improve the ability of the Police Department to respond to a situation and educate the Department and the community. The Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council for example is a collaboration of sworn officers and civilian employees with diverse backgrounds. Many of these members are or were leading members of specially trained units or have extensive training in SWAT, bomb technology, military assault, hazmat crime analysis, international terrorism intelligence, strategic planning and many other legal units such as basic attorneys.

Through technology and experience, the Homeland Security Terrorism Advisory Council should be able to identify, acquire, plan, and advise on terroristic crisis. With this knowledge base the unit should be able to therefore anticipate, prevent, and…. References Boyd, David G. On the cutting edge: law enforcement technology. Computer Communications Technology Facilitates Law Enforcement. htm Division of Emergency Communications. Captain Linda Samuel. asp Richmond Police Department. Richmond Police Department. Moreover, the risks posed by felons with known propensities or stated intentions to respond violently to law enforcement apprehension efforts are usually subject to judicially approved no-knock arrest warrants; therefore, they can be excepted from this particular element of analysis.

Stated very simply, a startled…. The steps to be followed pursuant to this definition and policy are as follows. The use of hot pursuit in this jurisdiction will be authorized when the apprehending officer has reason to believe that the suspect s involved represent a danger to the public irrespective of the seriousness of the originating offense involved. This approach is congruent with the findings of a Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of large law enforcement agencies e. References Kenney, D. Police and policing: Contemporary issues. Westport, CT: Praeger. Ramsey, K. Sheriff candidates talk costs, staffing. Daily Herald Arlington Heights, IL , 1. Specifically, perimeter security requires protocols for continuous monitoring of the entire perimeter, especially in conjunction with responding to potential breaches in any given sector McGee Grounds and perimeter security also requires scenario-based training in conjunction with non-security-related emergency procedures.

Specifically, periodic emergency drills involving building tenants and personnel may present a vulnerability where grounds and perimeter security procedures are not equipped to accommodate larger than normal volumes of foot traffic, such as typically associated with fire drills. Optimal grounds and perimeter security protocols must include procedures for accommodating the increased traffic necessitated by non-security-related emergency drills without compromising general grounds and perimeter security considerations. For the same reason, information detailing emergency drill schedules must be protected from unauthorized access or unnecessary dissemination in advance Larson Technological Advances: The primary technological advances in physical facility, building, grounds, and perimeter security relate to computerization of relevant security information and its….

References Larsen, R. New York: Grand Central Publishing McGee, J. Training programs for traffic homicide investigators usually include the following areas: speed estimates from kinetic energy, skid marks, scuffmarks and airborne situations, vehicle dynamics and motion, time, distance and motion equations, conservation of momentum calculations, diagramming vehicle damage, vehicle damage analysis explaining thrust, center of mass, overlap and collapse, vehicle lamp examination, tire damage evaluation, advanced photography and video techniques and vector sum analysis Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation, n. All of these areas are important in order for an investigator to be successful in traffic homicide investigations.

eferences Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation. References Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation. For example, the motorized wheelchair elevator of the transport vehicle may take equally long in both directions but the protectee need not be on scene while the elevator platform descends. By delaying the exit of the protectee from the departure location until the transport vehicle elevator is already in the down position and prepared for immediate ascent, the protection agent can reduce the protectee's exposure my more than half in comparison to positioning the protectee outside the transport vehicle while the wheelchair lift elevator descends into the bottom position.

The prospect of protecting a wheelchair- bound protectee necessarily adds at least one agent to the protective protocol because an agent rather than a non-agent assistant or nurse must control the wheelchair; but the rear position eliminates that agent from any traditional position as a protective shield. Medical Considerations: In general, protectees with delicate medical conditions who require perpetual care necessarily…. References Freeh, L. My FBI: Bringing Down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton, and Fighting the War on Terror. New York: St. Martin's Press. Kessler, R.

The Bureau: The Secret History of the FBI. The officer can even help a community organize a neighborhood watch. A policeman must show that he or she is part of the community, not an adversarial pressure upon the community. The police oppose criminals and crime, not all civilians: this must be communicated clearly in the officer's demeanor and manner. Not all of the individuals a policeman encounters are potential defendants. The officer's ability to function depends on his or her qualities of sensitivity and intelligence, rather than enforcement principles alone: a policeman must be able to mediate between two warring neighbors, give aid to a victim after a crime, and know how to preserve a crime scene so that valuable evidence can be collected.

Even when dealing with a suspect, a police officer may need to use various levels of force to act in a just fashion: when apprehending a suspect who is nervous and not likely to…. The unit did not even have a homicide division because there were so few murders in the region. For that reason, it may be understood that there were gaps in the procedural work: they were simply inexperienced and not staffed for such an investigation. Would the case have ended up differently had the police been more thorough in their investigation? It is difficult to say: the trial quickly became politicized, which means a lot of talking heads were less interested in facts than in race war.

Leadership A comparison of Law Enforcement with Other Professions Who first comes to mind when you think of a 'Leader'? Is it Alexander the Great? Winston Churchill? Leadership is an interesting phenomenon to consider, from the perspective of civilization, of nations, of political change, and of history. What makes one person a leader while another tries and fails? What is a good leader and how is that different from a 'great' leader? The definition of leadership also varies with the context and with the individual who is defining leadership. The nature of leaders has changed as civilization has evolved, and the leaders we as a society need today may be different from those of a century ago. A national leader is distinct from a local leader, a oy Scout leader, or a team leader in a sport.

Thus, definitions of leadership vary with the situation. However, they include…. Bibliography Avery, G. London: Sage Avolio, B. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Bittner, Egon The functions of the police in modern society: a review of background factors, current practices, and possible role models. Washington, D. Boedker, C. And Runnalls, M. Leadership, culture and management practices of high performing workplaces in Australia: The High Performing Workplaces Index. Society for Knowledge Economics: Sydney. Technological Challenges of Today The objective of this study is to answer as to what challenges law enforcement officials have faced in the light of technological advances throughout the global environment and to discuss a minimum of three problems that such changes have created.

This study will answer as to what the recommendations are for future action that could assist law enforcement officials in becoming more effective in the investigation and prevention of such challenges. Organized Crime and Technology The work of Bjelopera and Finklea reports that technological advances have created new challenges for law enforcement particularly in the area or organized crime. This is because "modern organized criminals often prefer cellular or networked structural models for their flexibility and avoid the hierarchies that previously governed more traditional organized crime groups. References Bjelopera, JP and Finklea, KM Organized Crime: An Evolving Challenge for U.

Law Enforcement. CRS Report for Congress. pdf Globalization and new technologies: challenges to drug law enforcement in the twenty-first century. nd INCB. pdf How the Web Presents New Challenges for Law Enforcement Agencies Community Policing Dispatch. A search function that allows the use of key words to search the foundation Web site. A contact link to the foundation as well as links to other law enforcement resources. Negative Components. The search function was not available and no explanation was given nor an estimated date when it would be available. Additional plug-ins were required in order to view all of the Web site's contents. The site map was not prominently displayed. Recommendations for Improvement. Eliminate the need for additional plug-ins to make the Web site more accessible.

Indicate when the search function will be available or better yet, fix it. Place the site map prominently on the Web site's main page. Web Site No. Positive Components. Established in pursuant to the Justice Systems Improvement Act…. In order to fully safeguard the country's borders, it is necessary to take into account that criminals tend to develop as fast as new technology can be implemented. Hence it is important to improve methods for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, analysis and training, and support efforts to deter not only illegal aliens, but also the substances some of them bring into the country. On the other hand, it is also important to recognize the human element inherent in the immigration problem. Some believe they have no choice but to risk their lives in order to have any quality of life at all.

eferences Camarota, S. The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget. Center for Immigration Studies. pdf Msnbc. Obama orders 1, Guard troops to border. emarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration eform. References Camarota, S. Remarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. American University School of International Services, Washington, D. Immigration Support. Illegal Immigration from Mexico. Cops Law Enforcement TV Shows The mass media in the contemporary society and for the last few decades has seemed to be addicted to sensationalism.

The masses appear to be particularly supportive of stories that have been exaggerated for the simple purpose of captivating viewers' attention. As a consequence, diverse media devices take advantage of the opportunity and produce a series of works specifically designed as a response to people's needs. TV police shows in particular are aimed at providing viewers with stories that are likely to impress them and in many cases certain aspects of these respective stories are fabricated. Reality TV shows involving law enforcement officers catching criminals have become more and more common in recent years. Most of these shows display both the honorable and risky lifestyle of police officers and the ruthlessness of criminals.

However, in many cases it is difficult for viewers not to feel…. Works cited: Doyle, A. law enforcement community relies on the information that can be obtained from reliable informants. But what problems and issues to law enforcement professionals encounter when using informants? This question and other issues regarding informants will be reviewed in this paper. Informants and Law Enforcement In the FBI eb site the government mentions that the courts have long recognized that the use of informants "…is lawful and often essential to the effectiveness of properly authorized law enforcement investigations" FBI FAQ. That said, the FBI goes on to warn that using informants to help an investigation is risky, and may "…involve an element of deception" or an "intrusion into the privacy of individuals, or cooperation with persons whose reliability and motivation may be open to question" FBI.

In other words, using information provided by a person that the FBI does not have one hundred percent certainty about, carries with it potential investigative…. Works Cited Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI. Frequently Asked Questions. Jetmore, Larry F. Investigations: Establishing Informant Reliability. Law Officer, 3 11 , The Citizen. Shadow cast on Afghan peace talks. data collection includes survey form, structured interviews using closed ended questions, and gathering information regarding a sample size appropriate to analyze and draw conclusion on the basis of the research results.

The statistical techniques are used for data analysis to analyze collected data in quantitative research methods. The qualitative data is gathered through case study method and open ended question of an unstructured interview from notable sample. The qualitative methods of research are also equally popular in understating the ignored aspects of a topic. The research question discussed below is addressed on the basis of qualitative and quantitates research methodology. Question 1: What is the role of social media in affecting law enforcement? The usage of internet has increased over the past years. Internet technology has encouraged a revolutionary change.

Starting form the desktop computers, laptops, handheld computers, to a variety of internet enabled cell phones has created a huge…. References: Clarke, B. Deconstructing the rioters: a case study of individuals convicted and sentenced in Greater Manchester. Safer communities, 11 1 , Denef, S. Social Media and the Police -- Tweeting Practices of British Police Forces during the August Riots. Frank, R. Social Media Sites-New Fora for Criminal, Communication, and Investigation Opportunities. Public Safety Canada. Fresenko, V. Social media integration into state-operated fusion centers and local law enforcement potential uses and challenges Doctoral dissertation, Monterey, California Naval Postgraduate School.

branches within the law enforcement field. All these branches have a range of jurisdictions but have a common purpose of enforcing laws that have been passed by legislatures and the protection of the American citizens and those who live within the American borders. There are different law enforcement agents everywhere and they are interested in what one does, the particular agents present depend on ones location and what they are doing. This paper will look at three law enforcement branches; local, state and federal law enforcement. It will look at what thee three entail and how they differ in terms of jurisdiction and authority.

At the local enforcement agencies, the commonplace and frequently experienced law enforcement agency are municipal police officers. These police officers represent villages, towns and cities. A striking difference between these local officers and those found within state and federal level is that they offer the first…. References Law Teacher. Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement. php Harkins, D. What are the Differences Between Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement. Schools of Criminology Schools of Thought Classical School introduction: This approach to criminology holds that basically, people will do things based on whether it is helpful to them and they will look after their own self-interest first.

In other words, if a person is penniless and hungry, he will steal food because it is in his own self-interest to eat and stay alive, notwithstanding his crime Classical School summary: In the 18th century philosophers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued that existing theories of crime God or the devil determine what humans will do were not relevant. They put forth the alternative idea that because humans have free will, they choose which behavior they will follow. Most humans respond to pleasure and pain, and if crime brings a person pleasure, that's what he will do; but being hungry can bring pain so a person will commit a crime to…. Works Cited Gul, S. An Evaluation of the Rational Choice Theory in Criminology. Tibbetts, S. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Vito, G. Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy. United States, the scope of responsibilities of a sheriff varies across states and counties. However, some cities, a good example being the Commonwealth of Virginia, have a sheriff's office with dual purpose as the arm of the city jail and court. The sheriff can also perform court duties. These may encompass such functions as managing the city or county jail, providing courtroom security as well as prisoner transportation, assisting in serving warrants including serving process. Within urban areas, the sheriff may be constrained to those duties. Numerous other sheriffs as well as their deputies may serve an area as the main police force.

References Sullivan, L. Encyclopedia of law enforcement. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Weir, W. Border patrol. New York: Chelsea House. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Government Law Enforcement Essays Law Enforcement Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Law enforcement agencies must… References Cloud, R.

One needs to explain how someone gets to work… References Heinze, D. Joseph McNamara observes that "Learning… Works Cited U. Meyer specifically cites four areas… Works Cited Walker, S. It empowers… References Community-Oriented Policing. Unfortunately, the lack of confidence in the LAPD has meant that local residents are less than enthusiastic and… Reference Report of the Rampart Independent Review Panel The increasing level of terrorist threat is due to increasing level of willingness on… References Dana, M. In the case of problem… Works Cited U. Although an officer may lack the legal authority to compel a citizen… Works Cited Walker, S.

However, the make up of the police force is evolving to better reflect the diversity of the communities it… Works Cited Walker, S. First and foremost, supervisors and administration need to keep closer watch on officers, especially… References Editors. Officers engaged in… Works Cited City of Oakland. police cars , and even more rigorous… References Doss, D. For example, Friedersdorf points out that faulty arbitration procedures sometimes hinder a… References Chen, S. From a utilitarian ethics standpoint, society should pursue… References Driver, J. This was followed… References Barak, G.

Police code of'silence Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Book Review Paper : Within democratic republics, law enforcement officials are required to… References Grisham, C. Evolving Police Service and Community Involvement Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Paper : The main problem that perpetuates this status quo is the stagnation in the approach to combating crimes, despite the fact… References Chassan A. Arizona Revised Statutes involving Arrests Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Professional Writing Paper : An objective test helps ascertain whether or not an arrest has occurred in a given case, resting on whether reasonable individuals under such a circumstance would… References Marroquin, B.

Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : What Triggers Unethical Conduct Words: Length: 1 Pages Document Type: Journal Paper : Interrogation and Interview by Police Words: Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Officers with Reid training are… References Buckley, J. Intelligence and Geo Strategic Developments Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Intelligence is a term that is used to refer to the collection and evaluation of internal and… References Carter, D. Multiculturalism Education Effect on the Police Force Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper : Carl Jung theorized on… References Hendricks, J.

Tulsa Oklahoma Sheriff's Office Failures Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Former Tulsa deputy Robert Bates was an insurance salesman who was… References Huberts, L. Finally, I would… Works Cited Franklin Covey. Certainly, most police hate the Internal affairs squad, though they were once beat cops… Bibliography BusinessWeek. The significance of the modern police force was that it was developed to prevent crime, law enforcement, and maintain order by being visibly present… Works Cited Walker, S. Interacting with people is a main part of being a Police Officer, as you need to be able to communicate efficiently with people.

I believe that being an ENTJ personality type will help…. Transformational leadership and servant leadership have similarities Yukl, Followers will feel greater trust for their leaders, greater admiration and loyalty to the community and greater levels of motivation to do well those things they are expected to do. As such, I want to teach police officers to be dedicated toward the growth and welfare of people. I want to teach police officers to motivate, guide, offer hope, and provide a caring experience by establishing a quality relationship with followers and subordinates Choudhary et. Servant leaders have unselfish services towards followers high priority needs and they have unselfish regard, simplicity, and consciousness Choudhary et.

From the moment they put their uniform on, they are a target for those who believe against them. Even at home, they have to be on alert because cases and people can follow them even when they are off duty. Losing a life is not uncommon in this job field either. In the world of research the amount of topics to be studied are endless. Likewise, in the criminal justice community there are also an endless amount of topics for study. In this paper the process of gathering data will be discussed by constructing an analysis of the nature of police work.

To be specific the dangers of the job of policing will be retrieved, through the development of a questionnaire that would be completed by police officers in two local departments. It is common wisdom both within and outside law enforcement circles that policing is dangerous business. In this interview was able to ask some questions with local police officer and get his view and life as a police officer. In such a society, the public will constantly commit crimes and live a fearful lifestyle. The law enforcement is usually identified by their roles in society.

Therefore, the broken windows theory demonstrates how important their role is in reducing the fear of crime, increasing public safety and order. Throughout the years, policing has been developed and refined in preventing crimes. Policing is more than just locking up criminals. Response time, as well as establishing control of the scene is highly regarded as the primary way of maintaining confidence from the community. With the creation of directed patrols and the targeting of high crime areas, law enforcement officers can respond to crime scenes quickly and efficiently. However, it is highly important that departments….

Not to mention the way kids look up to officers when they 're around. It 's a tremendous responsibility, and officers often need to be reminded of the high ethical standard they are held to, but it 's also quite nice to have a job for which people have such respect and appreciation. Also, there 's nothing like the way your own kids look at you with pride when they see you in uniform. There are a ton of reasons to be a police officer. Sure, you have the chance to earn a good salary, excellent retirement benefits, and great health insurance for you and your family. My grandfather, Charles Roberge, was a prime example of a model policeman.

He was a family man and an integrated part of his community. However, the way police work was conducted in the s has changed a lot. This is due to the fact that when they are on good terms with one another; citizens and the community in general will be more inclined to report crimes that occur, provide tips on criminal organisations as well as willingly serve as witnesses and a jurors Ross, , p. In these situations, police departments must primarily assume a reactive mode of response to community problems.

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