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Essay on wildlife

Essay on wildlife

Those areas include Essay on wildlife Reserves, World Heritage Sites, and other sanctuaries. Corbett National Park Project Tiger :, essay on wildlife. Similar sectors of economic activities in India can be identified in each area of the country depending upon land-use pattern. It contains various types of nutrients, minerals, water and gases and support for the plants producers. Likewise, better instruments are required to protect the wildlife at the same time benefiting the society.

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Essay on wildlife conservation in words, essay on william shakespeare sonnet Getting better at these two aspects of writing starts with studying language and style manuals, which explain where basic elements belong and how they function. Once a person knows these guidelines, he can practice applying them, essay on wildlife. A commonly used way to do this is to complete hard copy or online editing tests. An exercise to practice audience connection is to essay on wildlife a single work and rewrite it several times for several different groups. Related to the idea of audience is the concept of having someone else take a look at one or more drafts, essay on wildlife conservation in words.

The subject experts who are associated with the website are more than willing to help distressed students overcome their anxieties by providing the best available paper writing services, essay on wildlife conservation in words. Of bikaner and parts of jodhpur with less than mm annual rainfall. Wildlife, essay on wildlife, like trees, is also a domestic asset that not only helps to maintain the ecological balance but also. India is one among the 17 mega diverse countries of the world. But many plants and animals are facing threat of extinction. To protect the critically. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. Conservation of wildlife essay words.

Essay on water conservation in words: importance of water conservation essay words: agricultural use: industrial application: domestic use:. Preservation of wildlife does not mean a blanket protection to all faunal and floral species; rather, it implies a proper, judicious control over essay on wildlife. A lifelong investment in wildlife conservation. Conservation of wildlife essay words assure you that the essay on. Wildlife refers to the wild animals, birds and plants which thrives in the wild. More about an essay on wildlife conservation for students 1. According to an estimate, in india about species of wild animals and birds have become extinct and another 2, essay on wildlife on the verge of extinction.

It provides useful substances and wild animal products like Reasons for medical personnel shortage Should vaccination be forced on people, essay on wildlife conservation in words. Does your Common App essay actually stand out? College essays are an entirely new type of writing for high school seniors, essay on wildlife conservation in words. For that reason, many students are confused about proper formatting and essay structure. Physical and personal space essay 6 мая г. In other words it forms a part of wealth of a country. Man has hunted wild animals for food for. Overall, forests are the natural habitat of large scale wildlife, growth of trees, shrubs and different variety of plants which, unfortunately, are dwindling. Pin earn the value of the national parks. Essays on wildlife conservation.

Wild life conservation is the way of preserving of animals or the plants which are endangered. These materials were prepared with the assistance of a technical advisory committee with representatives from the animal welfare, conservation including. Wcn protects endangered species by supporting entrepreneurial conservationists who pursue strategies for people and wildlife to co-exist and thrive. Network to inspire others to act by spreading the word about the issues. Essay on wildlife conservation in words. Choose the topic which you can easily relate to, essay on wildlife, and have the closest insight on, essay on wildlife conservation in words. It is a good idea to think carefully about which of the nursing essay topics to choose from.

Keep in mind: You are targeting a highly educated audience who is aware of the data you are presenting; Take an individual approach to showcase how your knowledge can be put into practice; The methodology and the way of translating information should be considered to make your paper different from the rest. Get Your Nursing Essay Written Fast! Our experienced writers only need your requirements to create an original paper for you. Yet it paints more vivid picture than a statistical head-to-toe rundown: She was five foot three and no more than a hundred and ten pounds with red hair, blue eyes, and a round, freckled face.

How to Practice Writing Description. Here are some descriptive writing activities that will inspire you while providing opportunities to practice writing description. Work at crafting descriptions that are compelling and mesmerizing. Go to one of your favorite spots and write a description of the setting: it could be your bedroom, a favorite coffee shop, or a local park. Leave people, dialogue, and action out of it, essay on wildlife. Just focus on explaining essay on wildlife the space looks like. Who is your favorite character from the movies? Describe the character from head to toe. Show the reader not only what the character looks like, essay on wildlife, but also how the character acts. Do this without including action or dialogue, essay on wildlife conservation in words.

Now we have cell phones that can access the internet. Since modern fiction is light on description, many young and new writers often fail to include details, even when the reader needs them. Go through one of essay on wildlife writing projects and make sure elements that readers may not be familiar with are adequately described, essay on wildlife. Sometimes in a narrative, a little description provides respite from all the action and dialogue. As mentioned, Tolkien often spent pages describing a single landscape. Choose one of your favorite pieces of classic literature, find a long passage of description, and rewrite it. Try to cut the descriptive word count in half. When you read a book, use a highlighter to mark sentences and paragraphs that contain description.

Look for essay on wildlife passages that are dedicated to description, essay on wildlife. Write a description for a child. Choose something reasonably difficult, like the solar system. How do you describe it in such a way that a child understands how he or she fits into it? Most writers dream of someday writing a book. Describe your book cover. Write a one-page description of yourself. If you have any essay on wildlife writing practices to add to this list, feel free to share them in the comments. Does descriptive writing come easily to you, or do you struggle with it? Do you put much thought into how you write description?

Share your tips for descriptive writing by leaving a comment, and keep writing! When your order is complete, essay on wildlife, you will get a notification email, essay on william shakespeare sonnet Thus, another recommendation to write an effective argumentative essay in literature would be to write down all the arguments and counterarguments. In such a way, you will be ready to refute any counterargument. Moreover, it is a great idea to include essay on wildlife couple of counterarguments and their rebuttals in your essay, so the readers can be sure that you have taken different opinions into account. Finally, you should look up all the necessary quotes to be used in your argumentative essay and connect them with your argument.

As a result, you will already have a brief roadmap of your future essay with the most important points. Do not forget that it is beneficial to support every part of your argument with a direct quotation from the original text, so the readers see how you connect the ideas, essay on wildlife. Furthermore, such a structure will make your essay logical and coherent. Structure of Your Argumentative Essay. Many students face difficulties when structuring their argumentative essays. Nevertheless, the key to success here is to follow the basic essay structure that includes such components as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

However, one should not forget about such essay on wildlife of any argumentative essay as an effective title and thesis statement. Even though the majority of students prefer short and understandable titles consisting of approximately five words, this is not the case with argumentative essays. Indeed, you should clearly state the argument in the title of your essay essay on wildlife show the readers what this work will be about. Sometimes, the title of an argumentative essay may even take two lines, especially if you are writing about literary work because you have to include both the name of the writer and the work itself, essay on william shakespeare sonnet Argumentative Essay Sample on Global Warming: Top Policies to Implement.

The first paragraph of any essay is the introductory one. Nevertheless, many students are confused about what to include in this paragraph because it has to prepare the readers for the body paragraphs of the essay. When you are writing an argumentative essay in literature, it is clear that in the introductory paragraph, you have to mention the background of the literary work you will be discussing. It includes not only the name of the author and the very work but also short coverage of the main points of the text, essay on wildlife. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph is your thesis. It states the main idea of the whole essay and should be precise and clear. The next paragraphs are called the body paragraphs and contain the most important part of the whole essay.

In this part, you will be presenting and supporting your argument. Each body paragraph talks about one idea relevant to your argument. Without a doubt, the number of essay on wildlife body paragraphs varies depending on the length of the essay. However, you should remember that you can only talk about one idea in one paragraph. Consequently, for the readers, it essay on wildlife be much easier to follow your ideas, essay on wildlife.

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Hence, the assessment of characteristics, quality, quantity and status of the vegetation available in the habitat and its improvement is an important and primary stage of wildlife management. Some animals fulfill their required nutrients by eating the plants itself; while in some animals, like ruminants, it is synthesized by certain bacteria etc. found in their digestive tract which make it available in useful forms of elements for the body. In some special period, such as in pregnancy and milking period, the females require more food or some special food than the normal period for proper growth of the fetus and young ones. As per food-habit, there is adaptation in the digestive system of the species and they prefer the food in that manner.

For example, herbivores become instinct towards vegetarian food while carnivores towards non-vegetarian food. Deer become tempted to see grasses whereas tigers will not. For the sustenance of life, the animals consume different types of food in the variable seasons and in this way their food-choice may be said as primary, secondary and so on. After preferred-food, the staple-food comes in the series. Generally, this food is important for the living of the animal being available for long time. When there is scarcity of staple food, the species depends upon certain food which is neither so tasteful nor nutritive and called as emergency-food.

Such food cannot sustain the animal for a long period because it induces malnutrition. The food which is totally non-nutritive and is consumed by the animal only to fulfill its stomach is called stuffing-food. Such food is taken in by the animals when there is no alternative. Sometimes, certain animals take unusual food which is not in their habit. For example, sometimes bark eaten by sambhar and cheetal, grass by tiger as found in its pellet sometimes etc. The period in which the food is not sufficiently available and causes trouble to the animal, is called pinch-period. This period may be for other basic requirements also such as water etc. The period varies as per the habitat, climate, country etc. The management part is very essential and plays important role for such period.

The selection of food by the animal depends upon the season and period of the habitat, it depends upon the fact that in which season or period, which type of food is available, and how much labour is to be done to procure it by the animal; because season is responsible for the availability and quantity of the food in a particular habitat. Hence; the food, which is easily and sufficiently found in a season, is consumed in enough quantity by the animal. It can be said that plenty of food is directly related with its consumption. Palatability of food for animal is related with its taste, easy availability and digestibility etc. Since its evolution and habit, the animal selects its food accordingly as it is capable of digestion as well as has habitual instinct for such food.

Hence; by considering all these situations, it can be said that the quantity and quality of food serve a lot in the survival and propagation of the animals. For their survival, different kinds of animals take different kinds of food as per their adapted habit and habitat. For example; some species survive by eating seeds of the plants which is very nutritive while some are living on grasses and leaves of the trees, some are habituated on dry grasses and leaves, some take tender leaves and grass while some prefer hard grasses and so on. Some are grazers whereas some are browsers.

All these depend upon the condition of the habitat and adaptations of the animals. Climate, soil and other natural as well as biotic-factors are responsible for outcome of the condition of the habitat to which the animal adapts it accordingly. The aquatic animals have developed various adaptations morphologically as well as physiologically, terrestrial animals have also modified and adapted themselves to suit their living environment and the desert animals have likewise adaptations in all means to conserves water and reducing the loss of water less and less for their survival. In each and every type of environment and habitat, the animals are having adaptations to be suited and survive nicely.

Selection of food, its quality and quantity, palatability etc. Water is another basic requirement of the wild animals. Since water is essential for metabolic activities, it is required up to a certain extent by the animals for their survival, growth and propagation. All animals preserve metabolic water. The desert animals conserve water to exist indefinitely on metabolic water and for this they have various adaptations in their morphology as well as physiology. Water conservation is also provided for by habits; such as the nocturnal or burrowing habit that escapes from diurnal heat and low humidity by the adaptations like possession of chitin, scales as the morphological protection and excretion of dry faeces as physiological adaptations. Thus, the necessity of water is different in different types of animals.

The size of the waterholes is not so important for wildlife rather its proper distribution in the entire habitat throughout the year is very important. Its spatial-distribution and availability with sufficient numbers have great importance for the survival and propagation of the animals. If the number of waterholes is very few, there will be crowd and pressure of the animals around it and hard competition will arise for the survival and will not be utilized properly by them. On the other hand, if it is properly distributed throughout the area, it will sustain the total animals as per the carrying-capacity.

Therefore, management of water sources or waterholes plays an important role in the field of wildlife management. The place or area which gives protection and serves other biological needs of the species is known as shelter. Covers are those vegetation or plants which save the animals from causal-factors and provide safety, resting, shade as well as protecting from adverse environmental-effects. Where, the wild animals escape themselves to protect from predators or hunters. Its shape and size depends upon the size of the animals. Here the birds hide themselves for breeding, laying and nursing the eggs.

Likewise, the larger animals also require such cover to deliver the litters. Its size and shape also depend upon the size and requirements of the animals. It is that cover which protects the animals from the problematic season etc. It may be bushes or the trees in accordance with the size of the animals. The cover under which, shade the animals take rest after taking the food and use as perch. This may be bush, tree or cave. There should be sufficient space for living of the animals. Therefore, space is the important characteristic of the habitat. Without it, the animals cannot survive. Space is multi-dimensional. It is not only horizontal, but also includes vertical dimension.

The horizontal dimension requires sufficient space as per the need of the animals like home-range, territory etc. In vertical dimension in any field, the wild animals are living in six-seven levels such as at the peak height vulture etc. fly; then eagle, crows etc. live on the branches of the trees; just above the ground, some animals dwell in the bushes and grasses; on the ground, the terrestrial animals like small and large mammals roam; and lastly inside the soil, wild soil-dwelling animals live. In lack of sufficient space, the animals come under stress and there is crowd in the habitat and ultimately leading towards the diseases, casualty, hampering in courtship and mating, improper supply of food, water and so on. Hence, proper management of the habitat is to provide proper and sufficient basic requirements of the animals food, water and shelter as per the carrying-capacity is the most essential and important primary objective of wildlife management.

The ecosystem is the outcome of two components viz. biotic and abiotic factors. Therefore, the ecological factors are falling under two categories such as biotic or living factors and abiotic or physical factors. It includes living organisms such as plants and animals as well as other forms of life. These factors are the resultant of the interactions and interrelations of the same species intraspecific or different-species interspecific because, in the ecosystem, all organisms are interlinked and interdependent on each other and none can live alone or in isolation for getting their basic needs like food, water and shelter and protection.

Not only this, but the animals of one species are related or dependent upon the animals of the same species and vice-versa. Such interdependency exists without considering kind and size, such as big animals or plants are associated with small insects or parasites. Such association is intraspecific between same species and interspecific between different species. Broadly, the physical factors which has affected and affecting the fauna and flora of an ecosystem can be divided into two parts viz. Medium and Climate. Mainly there are six media where animals and plants live which soil, light, temperature, water, air and parasite are living in or on the body of other organism host.

The soil, which is formed by weathering of rocks associated with organic matter and the living organisms, is the most essential medium for the survival of plants and animals. It contains various types of nutrients, minerals, water and gases and support for the plants producers. Thus, it is essential for the sustenance of any form of life. The dead part of the organism is decayed and transformed by the decomposers dwelling in the soil and contribute also in the soil- formation particularly humus and continue the energy-nutrient-cycle also. The vigour and hygiene of health of the wild animal depends upon the presence and absence of the minerals in the soil.

The mineral-rich soil supports more wildlife than poorly aerated and acidic soil. The animal develops in the particular soil containing materials needed for it; for example, snails are found in the soil which is enriched in calcium required for their shell formation. The soil which is slightly acidic or neutral is generally well-suited for most of the plants and animals. Therefore, status and kinds of wildlife has direct relationship with the soil-condition of an area or habitat. On good soil, vegetation is luxuriant and nutritious resulting good size and number of the herbivores and subsequently optimum number of carnivores are found there establishing dynamic and viable ecosystem maintaining proper food-chain.

Any deterioration, naturally or artificially, changes the characteristics of the soil leading the change in food, shelter and status of wildlife in reverse direction. Light is also an important factor in influencing growth, behaviour and distribution of flora and fauna. The most important work in this field is the phenomenon of photosynthesis. The amount of light received by an organism depends upon the intensity and duration of light. The duration of light to which an organism is exposed to receive, is called as photoperiodism. The intensity of light effects the metabolic rate of the animals resulting the phenomenon like hibernation, aestivation and diapause in certain species like amphibians, reptiles, insects etc.

as per the intensity of light in the different seasons. Since there is relation between metabolism and growth, the light influences the growth of the animal as per the rate of the metabolic activities. For the growth of plants, light is very essential while certain animals may die or survive in presence or absence of light. In certain animals, especially birds and mammals, gonads and ultimately reproduction are stimulated by light. To the, intensity or illumination of light, different kinds of animals response in different ways. Sexual activities, migration etc. depend upon the duration of light in certain animals and thus their breeding seasons are also different. Likewise, plants are also effected by the relative length of day light. The length of day and night light affects reproduction, behaviour, migration, hibernation, and aestivation etc.

of the animals. Hence, photoperiodism influences the various activities of the animals. Perhaps, the sense organs are stimulated by the photoperiodism and required physiological changes occur in the animals to response to the desired performance. Light is also responsible for changing the colour of the skin of certain animals. Mimicry is the example of that which is a kind of protective measure to suit in the environment. Eyes of certain deep water aquatic animals are enlarged while nocturnal animals, as in owls, have enlarged eyes to see in night. In certain lower animals, locomotion is influenced by light known as photokinesis. Butterflies move in day period while moths in the night.

Temperature is also one of the important factors controlling distribution and behaviour of the animals. Like light, it also controls the various activities of the animals like reproduction, embryonic development, migration, diapause and other metabolic activities. The temperature at which the body activities, physiological and metabolic, are at maximum is called as Optimum-temperature. As per the capacity of tolerance of temperature by the animals, they are of following types The animals whose body temperature do not fluctuate with the changes in temperature of the environment and are able to regulate and maintain the body temperature at a constant level like birds and mammals.

Temperature influences metabolism of the animals by influencing the enzymatic-activities of the body. Increase or decrease of temperature, up to a certain limits, increases and decreases enzymatic-activities and subsequently the metabolism of the animals. Like other factors, temperature also affects the activities and behaviour or reproduction of the animals. It also controls or induces sex-cells maturation and their liberation in certain animals. The outbreak of grasshopper, sex-ratio of rotifers, and production of fertilized and unfertilized eggs in daphnia is governed by the temperature or period of temperature. The first animals we came across were the Chimpanzee and Monkeys. There were different species of Baboons and Chimpanzees. I was just excited as next came the big cats. It was really a treat to see the tigers in their full form and up-close.

I was most excited to see our very own the Royal Bengal Tiger. It was pacing up and down the ground in all its majestic glory. Then we saw the Jaguar and Leopards. Then we saw the animal which is known to be the King of all animals, the Lion. The beautiful mane of the lion and massive muscles presented a huge figure of this animal. I was spellbound and mesmerized on seeing the lion. I had to be pushed ahead to move on towards the enclave of other animals. Then came the Zebra, having distinct patterns all over which was really awesome. We also saw the Hippopotamus and the Rhinoceros. Then we approached the enclave were numerous species of Deer were moving around. It was completely an out of the world feeling. And then the animal which we saw from a far off distance was the Giraffe.

It was moving around in a very relaxed manner chewing on the leaves from the trees. Then we went on to see the Elephants, and fortunately I also got the opportunity to feed these huge animals some bananas. Though I was bit afraid earlier, but as it came nearer and I reached out my hand full of bananas, the elephant took it very pleasingly with its trunk. By this time I was not afraid at all. And wished I could be friends with this huge animal. Then finally, we reached the gallery of colorful birds. Numerous species and sizes of birds were present there. All of these birds in tandem with nature and there natural instincts had some unique capabilities of their own, which was just awesome. We also saw the peacock with bright and vibrant colors, which is our National Bird. Eventually, I came to the end of the tour of this amazing wildlife park, where there was a collection of numerous healthy and beautiful animals.

It was a wonderful tour and I am planning another visit to the wildlife park very soon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you are writing an argumentative essay in literature, it is clear that in the introductory paragraph, you have to mention the background of the literary work you will be discussing. It includes not only the name of the author and the very work but also short coverage of the main points of the text. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph is your thesis. It states the main idea of the whole essay and should be precise and clear. The next paragraphs are called the body paragraphs and contain the most important part of the whole essay. In this part, you will be presenting and supporting your argument.

Each body paragraph talks about one idea relevant to your argument. Without a doubt, the number of such body paragraphs varies depending on the length of the essay. However, you should remember that you can only talk about one idea in one paragraph. Consequently, for the readers, it will be much easier to follow your ideas. As it was already mentioned in the previous paragraphs, it is also recommended to introduce at least one counterargument and its rebuttal. As a rule, the counterarguments are discussed in the last paragraphs of the essay. If you lack space for a lengthy analysis of counterargument, you may join it with its rebuttal in one paragraph. It is not a paraphrase, which merely says in different and simpler words exactly what the piece of writing being paraphrased has to.

Writing a precis means making an intelligent summary of a long passage. To write a precis one should have a clear understanding of the passage: only then well. Do you know the precis definition? it is a summary of any written text or work. The work includes articles, novel, books or any kind of text. It is common for students to confuse a précis with rhetorical analysis, reflection essays, and critical analysis. Précis writing the word précis is derived from french that means summary and précis writing means the art of summarizing. Précis writing is one of the most. So what is a précis? it is a concise summary of a speech, book, article or any other text. As you already see, this term is of a french origin and.

In other words, precis refers to a summary of a reading one has completed. Writing a precis requires a lot of work, starting with reading and brainstorming. it is the summary or the gist of any writing passage. You are given this writing assignment as a part of. A precis is a summary that explains the main argument without doing critical analysis. A précis is a kind of academic summary. Advanced example: in the essay "the ugly truth about beauty" , dave. Barry, nationally known humorist, argues that ". Women generally do not think of. it is a short summary of a book, article, essay, speech, or any other form of text. The word precis comes from the french word. A precis pronounced pressee is a summary.

Hence, precis writing aims at summarizing content given in the paragraph. A précis should be written in simple. A précis is a summary of a written work, such as an article, book, or other text. If you want to facilitate the process of writing, you need to create a good rhetorical precis outline. It is a short plan of your essay that is composed. We examine their texts to make three essential claims for social characteristics shape the readers questions, fourth. Cd a, track narrator listen to music all you need to know how to make sure you follow the instructions on the first of all, the artists relationship with your customer, vendor, employee, manager, member, client, patient, or other organisations published research existing studies of collective memory is a text on the.

And fnally, to my editor like a prayer, how to write a precis essay. For literary analysis, you will summarize the plot in your own words, essay on why school uniforms are good. On the other hand, in a literary response essay, you have to type an answer. Critical reviews are difficult, but they can help you improve your research and selection skills. Being critical means weighing up the strengths and weaknesses of a particular piece of work and considering its implications and applications from various perspectives, essay on why you want to go to college.

Keep in mind that your essay is a story, essay on why i want to be a nurse practitioner. When you are telling a story, you want to make it sound personal. Sentence fragments, misspellings, and improper punctuation denote a carelessly-written and poorly-conceived paper. Topic Sentence Every essay must contain three essential elements. My ongoing document tracking current, future, and past articles. Step 3 Outline — Active, essay on work ethics.

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