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Essays on video game violence

Essays on video game violence

Violent video games make the players become aggressive and apply anger to people around them. Related Topics Psychology Essay Culture Essay Children Essay Childhood Essay Family Essay Behavior Essay Aggression Essay Entertainment Essay Time Essay Addiction Essay California Essay Hero Essay Withdrawal Essay AMP Essay Playing Essay Cohn Essay Constructive Essay Zimbardo Essay The Child Essay Violent Video Games Essay Literature Essay History Essay War Essay Education Essay SHOW All. Free Time Management Reflective Essay Essay Sample. I'm fine with missing my deadline. Many essays on video game violence video games seek to show that people should be handled with violence regardless their status Ferguson,

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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Argumentative Essay. Topic: LawViolenceCriminal JusticeChildrenessays on video game violence, GamesVideo GamesVirtual Realityessays on video game violence, Family. Neither constitution nor any parents can stop children from playing video games, as children will find some or other way to play video games. Law Excessive amount of violence in Video games is one of many debated topics in our society. A number of people say that it affects behaviour of children in a substantial manner. These people advocate to ban the games that cater violence on the other hands, a huge number essays on video game violence people do not agree with such logic.

They oppose any such step and argue in favour of games even if they portray violence. Children should be given freedom to play video games as first ammendment protects the right of individuals, and particpaion of parents can essays on video game violence them from playing violent vide games, terefore government should not put a ban on video games. Thesis Statement: This paper intends essays on video game violence discuss the violence in video games and analyses whether violent video games affect children in a negative manner. The paper also discusses the legality of these games in perspective of the first amendment of the US constitution. Gentile et al, essays on video game violence. mentioned that the majority of US teenagers play video games on a regular basis.

Some of these games are extremely violent and may affect the behaviour of the children in a negative manner. It is difficult to believe that the children who are in constant touch of these video games are unaffected by their negative impacts. Children have a tendency to learn, essays on video game violence, and they learn from these games too. If the characters of any game are involved in extremely violent activities, there are chances for a player to act accordingly. Experts suggest that violent games adversely affect the children, and it is not very surprising if their behaviour is affected by these games.

According to Tassi the voices to ban violent games are not new, and people have been raising their voices to ban violent games since a long time. Playing violent video game require a high amount of attention and intense participation. Liptak mentioned that modern games and controls also involve very active participation on mental as well physical level. In the light of these facts, it is difficult to say that violent games do not affect children in negative ways. Children participate in these games with very enthusiasm and act as their favourite actors who are usually very violent.

When children see their favourite characters killing and hurting others, they feel amused. There are people who argue in favour of video games and suggest that video games are just a mean of entertainment, and they cannot affect the behaviour of children in negative ways. Tassi, in his article, advocates these video games by presenting a number of arguments in favour of video games and suggest that video games enhance the sharpness of the human brain. There are a number of people who argue that video games, including violent ones, essays on video game violence, enhance the fertility of the human brain.

Saunders, in his study, analyses the subject and its relation with the first amendment. US Supreme Court ruled that these video games are protected by the provisions of the first amendment and it is not logical to put any kind of ban of them. The Supreme Court held that even if these games depict extreme violence, these games cannot be banned as they are protected by the first amendment of the US constitution. ACLU" the Court addressed the community standards portion of the test for sexual obscenity and its extension to "harmful-to-minors" statutes" Saunders, It was held that these games are not different from the old books, cartoons or movies, and it will not be wise to ban only video games.

While deciding a popular case, US Supreme Court struck down a law of California state law that banned video games that were found catering violence and sex. Lawmakers said that it was a necessary step to stop children from accessing the games that depict violence and sex. It was said that such depictions affect the behaviour of children in an adverse manner. The Supreme Court respected the reasonable concern of California authorities but at the same time suggested the law making authority to act reasonably and in accordance with the law. The Supreme Court said that the entertainment rights of people cannot be oppressed merely on the context of protecting children.

Finally, I believe that video games do not impact children in negative manner. A number of people believe that children who play games are also better performers in their study and they do exceedingly well in sports as well as in extracurricular activities. I also observed that children who play video games have a better understanding of circumstances including odd ones. Video game player children are proved to be good drivers than non-players of the video games. Apart from this aspect, the issue involves the first amendment of the US constitution that ensures the right of entertainment and putting any ban on the violent video games amounts to violating this provision. The US Supreme Court has reiterated the constitution makers.

Bartholow, Bruce D. The article describes essays on video game violence impact of violence shown in the video games on different genders. The article is based on a research study conducted to analyze the impact of video games on behaviour of people. The study revealed that people who play violent video games show the aggressive behaviour. However, people who play non-violent video games do not shows aggressive behaviour. Dill, Karen E. Gentile, Douglas A. The article is focused on the research study conducted to analyse the impact of violence presented in video games.

The article covers various aspects associated with the subject such as video games essays on video game violence, video game usage and impact of video game on children behaviour at home, in school and on education. Liptak, A. The New York Times. The article focuses on the removal of the ban from sales of video games in California. The article described the judgement given by the Supreme Court in favour of children who want to play with video games. The article focuses on various positive aspects associated with the video games, and how video games help children in improving their learning and overall personality. Saunders, Kevin W. This report critically analyses first amendment with respect to restricting children access to the violent video games.

The report provides detailed essays on video game violence on all major aspects of the subject. The report analyses violence presented in other media, and factors that cause violence in video games. The report also presents an analysis of evolution of video games. This article describes the possible legal and general ways to protect children from violence presented in different forms of media including video games. The author mentioned about limiting the access of children to the internet and other entertainment contents, especially when law can not limit the children. The focus is placed on parents, their willingness and steps they can take to protect their children.

Tassi, essays on video game violence, P. The article emphasizes on how amendment one support videogames. The article also makes a comparison between video game and other learning materials. The article discusses how the new decision taken by the Supreme Court will change the general perception essays on video game violence people and reduce the lawsuits. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied.

Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools, essays on video game violence. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium! LEARN MORE. Introduction Neither constitution nor any parents can stop children from playing video games, as children will find some or other way to play video games.

Discussion Gentile et al. Conclusion Finally, I believe that video games do not impact children in negative manner. Annotated Bibliography Bartholow, Bruce D. Works Cited Bartholow, Bruce D. Supreme Court. American Constitution, essays on video game violence. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Accessed 07 January Free Argumentative Essay About Violence in Video Games. May

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However, in studying the effects of video games towards violence, researchers collected data from a negligible number of students, whom they exposed to playing video games and then observed their behavior and adoption of aggression tendencies. The research is inconclusive as it provides non-standard results. Moreover, such conclusions necessitate a comprehensive study carried out over the years, thus unreliable. The courts have affirmed that video games do not result in violence. Various courts in the United States have failed to uphold the findings of the various researches on videogames and violence. According to them, the available results of the research have been unable to validate their notion of a causation relationship between videogames and violence.

For instance, the judgment in the case, Brown versus Entertainment Merchant Association, the U. S Supreme Court upheld the notion that no conclusive evidence was present to warrant the banning of the sale of video games as the research findings were undependable. Therefore, he ruled for the video games company. Individuals that play video games can differentiate between games and reality. The stages of development by Erick Erickson ascertain that children playing video games have attained intellectual knowledge to distinguish reality from the virtual world.

According to him, children begin playing video games in the industry vs. inferiority stage, where they master competence in their actions. Consequently, this makes them capable of understanding that video games present fantasy scenarios that are absent in the real world thus, prevent them from conducting violent actions. In conclusion, the need to link violent behavior to video games has resulted in the utilization of warning tails that seeks to demonize any activity that causes misunderstanding by people not experiencing it. Nevertheless, factors such as lack of conclusive research and causation evidence, increase in sales of video games while violence cases reduce and the ability to differentiate real life and fantasy shows video games do not elicit aggression.

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Some people may have more feelings and tend to increase the physiological arousal due to the nature of the game they watch. Consequently, the audience may start developing high rate, heart beats and the problem of blood pressure. Watching violent video games lead to decrease of the behavior of helping other people, as well as feelings of empathy for other people. Many violent video games seek to show that people should be handled with violence regardless their status Ferguson, Violent video games, no mercy gets applied or help to the ones suffering, but violent gets applied even to the most suffering people in the game.

People stop having humanity as they handle other people because of watching the violent video games whereby they practice the fact of the game in their real life and as they live with other people. Violent video games are not the same as movies, but the players behave as if they are acting and practicing real violence. It is apparent that many children imitate the violence they see as they play the violent video games. Some children handle problems with violence as a result of being much exposed to violent video games. Violent images of video games also affect children with behavior and emotional problems whereby some develop bad dreams as they sleep, just to scare them.

Being overly involved in playing violent video games leads to many problems as they players spend much time on the games. Many people spend much time away from family and other hobbies and the students score low grades and read less. There is less exercise for the video game player whereby majority of them become overweight. Violent video games resolve anxiety inappropriately through its externalization, thus many children having anxiety internalize it instead of sharing with other people, talking about it or expressing it emotionally through crying. Such children can kick even a wall, become mean to whatever they find around such as a dog or a pet or attack anything as a way of releasing the anxiety. It is apparent that most people who watch violent video games may get angry and end up murdering by doing what they learn from the violent video games Ferguson, Some people who play violent video games engage in drug and alcohol abuse whereby they watch the video game for long hours and end up assaulting other people.

Violent video games have more negative effects compared to positive effects to the player.

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