Friday, March 4, 2022

Optimism essays

Optimism essays

Optimism, and the dispositional moods highlighted by Peterson leads to individual perseverance and optimism essays, and to experience better physical health. Optimism could be considered a condition of the mind that makes one believe that the best things will always happen to them. I think you have to learn to laugh at yourself to be successful in life, and I think you have to laugh at what life throws you. San Diego, optimism essays, CA: Emerald Group Publishing. Freire, P, optimism essays. People are people. London: Athalone Press,

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al, The study is also important because it outlines predictors of dispositional behavior. These include among other things the patients emotional well-being, understanding of their illness, general perception of their health and familial support. Giltay, et. al, examine the relationship between dispositional optimism optimism essays all-cause mortality. Their findings suggest that a protective relationship exists between dispositional optimism and health. The study specifically found that of subjects, the number of deaths among optimism essays with a higher level of pessimism was much greater than among those with a more optimistic attitude. The results were adjusted fro behavioral factors that might impact mortality, including smoking and alcohol consumption, body mass index and other physiological factors.

References: Optimism essays, P. Fung, K. Clin Oncol, 21 3 : Beadle, G. M, Najman, J. M, Clavarino, a. Roberst, S. Brooker, C. Report of a psychosocial intervention trainee follow-up study. Nurs Stud, 40 7 : The study also found that pessimism and is more often associated with neuroticism and negative emotions than and optimism. This study concluded that not being pessimistic was more important than being optimistic. Pessimism allows the person to "brace" themselves for bad news and to develop coping skills to help deal with the event.

Optimists may have a disadvantage when it comes to real life negative situations. These optimism essays suggest that pessimism is more of a optimism essays mechanism and that optimism can leave a person without a planned coping strategy. The study aked the question of whether optimism is always best when preparing for the unexpected events, or expectations of negative events in life. It was found that many…. References Robinson-Whelen, S. Distinguishing optimism from pessimism optimism essays older adults: Is it more important to be optimistic or not to be pessimistic?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73 6 Sweeny, K.

The costs of optimism and the benefits of pessimism. Emotion, 10 5 A soldier who optimism essays that they and their fellows can accomplish amazing goals is far superior to one who whines and complains about his situation and focuses on the possible negatives or challenges that may be difficult to overcome. A smaller force of enthusiastic, optimistic soldiers are far more effective than a greater sized force that has no confidence in their ability to complete their mission. The smaller force's perpetual optimism is a force multiplier, making them more powerful than their pessimistic, but larger opponents. Showing pessimism in one's abilities gives the opponent an advantage that could mean the difference between success and defeat. Again, Napoleon sums it up succinctly.

This positive attitude is exactly what Powell is talking about in his explanation of perpetual optimism as a…. References Harari, O. Leadership secrets of Colin Powell, optimism essays. New York: McGraw Hill. Moore, R, optimism essays. Napoleon on war. Optimism is a Force Multiplier. optimism continued union success. reference class: One of the primary reasons for the relatively current state of optimism about union success is the staying power of unions and their rates of enlistment and membership. One of the reasons union membership is so popular today among certain types of workers optimism essays the fact that there is an intrinsic power in numbers, particularly when it comes to working with management and traditional bourgeois conceptions of employers.

The ability optimism essays bargain with such employees as a collective appeals to…. References Sloane, A. Labor relations 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, optimism essays, NJ: Prentice Hall. I think you have to learn to laugh at yourself to be successful in life, and I think you have to laugh at what life throws optimism essays. I think having a good sense of humor helps me look at life more optimistically, and helps me get through tough times. Some of my more pessimistic friends seem to revel in the bad things that happen to them.

They mope, they complain, and they definitely do not see humor in the situation. I have a friend who cannot laugh at herself no matter what. She does some pretty silly things, like putting on makeup while she drives. She is really defensive about it, and cannot look at what she does and admit it might be wrong, or funny to others. She does not have much of a sense of humor about herself or others, and I think that may be one reason…. Speech -- Power of Optimism The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life Speech Outline The Power of Optimism: How Optimism optimism essays Help Make for a Better Life Attention Grabber: What is optimism? Why should we want to make our lives better? What is the power of optimism?

How can people become more optimistic? How can people harness the power of optimism to improve their lives? The problem with life is -- it's hard. There is not one person who has, at least once in life, hoped, wished, optimism essays, or desired to change life for the better. Where does positive change begin? It begins with our perspective, disposition, and outlook on life. Problems are solvable, optimism essays. It is feasible to reach our goals, optimism essays. We cannot imagine optimism essays accept the best solutions to our problems if we lack the capacity for optimism.

Optimism is more than a philosophy…. Burris, optimism essays, Lisa. Forster, Jerald R. Scioli, Anthony, Christine M. Chamberlin, Cindi M. Samor, Anne B. Lapointe, Tamara L. Campbell, optimism essays, Alex R. The pessimist uses minor mishaps as an excuse for bad behavior -- or despair, optimism essays. The optimist tries to learn from mistakes and troubles, and mistakes make the optimist more hardy and capable with dealing with stress. Of course, optimism can be taken to a ridiculous extreme. It is silly to say that it is always 'for the best in the best of all possible worlds,' like Professor Pangloss from Candide. hen a loved one passes away from cancer, this is not 'for the best,' and the optimist still feels pain. However, the optimist says that no experience is purely for the worst, and at least powerful lessons can be learned form the experience about always living life to the fullest, and the positive outlook that their loved one was able to have, even at the end.

A pessimist simply looks at the sky and wails 'why me, why must terrible…. Works Cited Optimist. Houghton Mifflin Company, January 20, February 19, This is only further reinforced in the tense first meeting between Hale and Pinkie, neither of them a man of optimism essays greatest particular integrity. Hale insists that the boy have a optimism essays with him, and upon his acceptance of the invitation, Pinkie is described as having "watched Hale all the time closely and with wonder: you might expect a hunter searching through the jungle for some half-fabulous beast to look like that -- at the spotted lion or the pygmy elephant -- before the kill.

Optimism and Pessimism Relates to Stress and Coping with Cancer An increasing amount of research links negative and positive emotional states to wellness or ill health. The negative or pessimistic emotions seem to have a negative effect on the immune system and on general health. Pessimism has been shown to be optimism essays and have adverse effects on health, including increasing the risk of cancer and preventing recovery from the disease. On the other hand, positive or optimistic optimism essays have been shown to strengthen immune function and bring good health. Gillman, There is a wealth of research that suggests optimism has a positive association with better mental and physical health, as well as coping with stress. Pessimism has been linked to a higher risk of death before the age of 65, while positive emotions, like optimism, are linked to lowered production of the stress hormone cortisol, better immune function, and….

Bibliography Schultz, optimism essays, Richard. Bookwala, Judith, optimism essays, Scheier Michael. Brissette, I.

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Report of a psychosocial intervention trainee follow-up study. Nurs Stud, 40 7 : The study also found that pessimism and is more often associated with neuroticism and negative emotions than and optimism. This study concluded that not being pessimistic was more important than being optimistic. Pessimism allows the person to "brace" themselves for bad news and to develop coping skills to help deal with the event. Optimists may have a disadvantage when it comes to real life negative situations. These authors suggest that pessimism is more of a coping mechanism and that optimism can leave a person without a planned coping strategy.

The study aked the question of whether optimism is always best when preparing for the unexpected events, or expectations of negative events in life. It was found that many…. References Robinson-Whelen, S. Distinguishing optimism from pessimism in older adults: Is it more important to be optimistic or not to be pessimistic?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73 6 , Sweeny, K. The costs of optimism and the benefits of pessimism. Emotion, 10 5 , A soldier who believes that they and their fellows can accomplish amazing goals is far superior to one who whines and complains about his situation and focuses on the possible negatives or challenges that may be difficult to overcome.

A smaller force of enthusiastic, optimistic soldiers are far more effective than a greater sized force that has no confidence in their ability to complete their mission. The smaller force's perpetual optimism is a force multiplier, making them more powerful than their pessimistic, but larger opponents. Showing pessimism in one's abilities gives the opponent an advantage that could mean the difference between success and defeat. Again, Napoleon sums it up succinctly. This positive attitude is exactly what Powell is talking about in his explanation of perpetual optimism as a…. References Harari, O. Leadership secrets of Colin Powell. New York: McGraw Hill. Moore, R. Napoleon on war. Optimism is a Force Multiplier. optimism continued union success. reference class: One of the primary reasons for the relatively current state of optimism about union success is the staying power of unions and their rates of enlistment and membership.

One of the reasons union membership is so popular today among certain types of workers is the fact that there is an intrinsic power in numbers, particularly when it comes to working with management and traditional bourgeois conceptions of employers. The ability to bargain with such employees as a collective appeals to…. References Sloane, A. Labor relations 13th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. I think you have to learn to laugh at yourself to be successful in life, and I think you have to laugh at what life throws you. I think having a good sense of humor helps me look at life more optimistically, and helps me get through tough times.

Some of my more pessimistic friends seem to revel in the bad things that happen to them. They mope, they complain, and they definitely do not see humor in the situation. I have a friend who cannot laugh at herself no matter what. She does some pretty silly things, like putting on makeup while she drives. She is really defensive about it, and cannot look at what she does and admit it might be wrong, or funny to others. She does not have much of a sense of humor about herself or others, and I think that may be one reason…. Speech -- Power of Optimism The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life Speech Outline The Power of Optimism: How Optimism can Help Make for a Better Life Attention Grabber: What is optimism?

Why should we want to make our lives better? What is the power of optimism? How can people become more optimistic? How can people harness the power of optimism to improve their lives? The problem with life is -- it's hard. There is not one person who has, at least once in life, hoped, wished, or desired to change life for the better. Where does positive change begin? It begins with our perspective, disposition, and outlook on life. Problems are solvable. It is feasible to reach our goals. We cannot imagine or accept the best solutions to our problems if we lack the capacity for optimism. Optimism is more than a philosophy….

Burris, Lisa. Forster, Jerald R. Scioli, Anthony, Christine M. Chamberlin, Cindi M. Samor, Anne B. Lapointe, Tamara L. Campbell, Alex R. The pessimist uses minor mishaps as an excuse for bad behavior -- or despair. The optimist tries to learn from mistakes and troubles, and mistakes make the optimist more hardy and capable with dealing with stress. Of course, optimism can be taken to a ridiculous extreme. It is silly to say that it is always 'for the best in the best of all possible worlds,' like Professor Pangloss from Candide. hen a loved one passes away from cancer, this is not 'for the best,' and the optimist still feels pain. However, the optimist says that no experience is purely for the worst, and at least powerful lessons can be learned form the experience about always living life to the fullest, and the positive outlook that their loved one was able to have, even at the end.

A pessimist simply looks at the sky and wails 'why me, why must terrible…. Works Cited Optimist. Houghton Mifflin Company, January 20, February 19, This is only further reinforced in the tense first meeting between Hale and Pinkie, neither of them a man of the greatest particular integrity. Hale insists that the boy have a drink with him, and upon his acceptance of the invitation, Pinkie is described as having "watched Hale all the time closely and with wonder: you might expect a hunter searching through the jungle for some half-fabulous beast to look like that -- at the spotted lion or the pygmy elephant -- before the kill. Optimism and Pessimism Relates to Stress and Coping with Cancer An increasing amount of research links negative and positive emotional states to wellness or ill health.

The negative or pessimistic emotions seem to have a negative effect on the immune system and on general health. Pessimism has been shown to be unhealthy and have adverse effects on health, including increasing the risk of cancer and preventing recovery from the disease. On the other hand, positive or optimistic emotions have been shown to strengthen immune function and bring good health. Gillman, There is a wealth of research that suggests optimism has a positive association with better mental and physical health, as well as coping with stress. Pessimism has been linked to a higher risk of death before the age of 65, while positive emotions, like optimism, are linked to lowered production of the stress hormone cortisol, better immune function, and….

Bibliography Schultz, Richard. Bookwala, Judith, Scheier Michael. Brissette, I. The role of optimism and social network development, coping, and psychological adjustment during a life transition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, Carver, C. Optimism, pessimism, and self-regulation. Chang Ed. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Gillman, Jane. The Science of Optimism and Hope: Research Essays in Honor of Martin E. Templeton Foundation Press, While on the one hand many are concerned that scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb could mean the end of civilization, others like the inventor ay Kurzweil argue that, "to relinquish technologies because they could be used for ill means giving up their good uses -- and it also means totalitarian control.

There are many aspects that could be considered here. One of the many advances in modern technology is the fascinating creation of "interfaces" or a more intelligent interaction between technology, like computers, and human beings. This would mean that technology would no longer be "alien" or a threat to humanity but would become more acceptable and adjusted to the human environment. As some experts argue, " it becomes possible to…. References Anti-aging Medicine Test for Measuring Functional Real Age. html www. Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and Culture. What Remains to Be Discovered: Mapping the Secrets of the Universe, Origins of Life, and the Future of the Human Race. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life How Attitudes Shape Our Future: Our Feelings and Attitudes about the Future and Its Risks Can Lead to Either Triumph or Disaster.

Using Global Warming as a Case Study, a Psychologist Explains Why. Voltaire's "Candide" is several novels rolled into one. Homer and Hull, , he returns to the life of a commoner. His life has gone full circle. From flights of fancy, he derives pleasure from one of the most basic occupations -- farming. Voltaire's epic works at several levels. His disdain for philosophies at the cost of realism is evident. Pangloss, the "metaphysico-theologo-cosmonolonigolo" ic tutor is not particularly equipped when confronted with life's harsh realities. In the long run, there is a reversal of roles: from Candide's starry eyed wonderment of Pangloss' learning, to Pangloss' life at the pleasure of Candide. The essay will argue that in keeping with the alternative title for Candide -- Optimism -- throughout the narrative, Candide always looks ahead to the future.

His travails would have put paid to most people. ut his optimism and will to survive enables him to use all his abilities to…. Bibliography Caddy, Caroline. The Australian Poetry Series. Ringwood, Vic. Homer, and Denison Bingham Hull. Homer's Odyssey. Greenwich, Conn. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von. Essays of Theodicy on the Goodness of God, the Freedom of Man and the Origin of Evil. Austin Farrer. London: Routledge, Mason, Haydn Trevor. Candide: Optimism Demolished. Twayne's Masterwork Studies; No. New York, Toronto: Twayne Publishers; Maxwell Macmillan Canada; Maxwell Macmillan International, Once I put my mind to doing something I find that I am totally committed to do it.

I have learned that if I am not totally committed, not only does it make whatever I am doing very annoying, it often does not turn out well in the end. A person who possesses initiative and optimism is always ready to seize opportunities that present themselves. These people pursue goals beyond what is expected or them and are always utilizing unusual and enterprising effort to accomplish things Goleman, People who possess initiative have the drive to want to make things happen. These people almost always have optimism at the same time which allows them to believe that they can make whatever they want to happen. I find myself always wanting to get things done but not always having the optimism to follow through. According to Cherry there are three…. References Cherry, K. What is motivation?

htm Goleman, D. Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam. Voltaire and Dostoyevsky Dostoyevsky's Notes from Underground and Voltaire's Candide are precisely similar works: in attempting to construct a narrative critique of a philosophical system, they slip from harsh satire into a form of sentimentality. I would suggest that comparing the two works' differing approaches to the philosophical problems of optimism, adversity, and violence are indicative of a different attitude altogether toward the philosophical problems presented. Dostoyevsky is passionate but ultimately sees no alternative between traditional religious morality and nihilism; Voltaire, by contrast, sees traditional religious morality as banal and proposes his own alternative.

But in my conclusion, I will compare and contrast the role played by comedy in both works -- although each takes a broadly satirical approach toward the philosophical fashions of the present-day, only Candide is the genuinely comic work. In comparing the role played by optimism in both works, it is important to recall that this…. Do you disagree with any of Pope's opinions or pronouncements in the Heroic Couplets or "An Essay on Man"? Pope is critical of individuals who "cry, if man's unhappy, God's unjust," suggesting that the unhappiest people are people who blame God, rather than themselves for all of their troubles, or who curse God because their lives are imperfect.

The need to accept life's imperfections while still working to enact positive changes within the limitations of humanity is a positive message still relevant for people today. Based on what you have read of "The Rape of the Lock," what do you think the poem's theme or central message is? What or who are the objects of his satire? Does the epic, "The Rape of the Lock" apply in any way to society today? Identify two passages that could serve as satiric commentaries on people's behavior today. Your answer should discuss both…. Even in Catholic France, the Protestant sentiment that God's grace alone can save His fallen, human creation was evident in the humanist king, Francis I's sister, Margaret, Queen of Navarre's novel when she wrote: "We must humble ourselves, for God does not bestow his graces on men because they are noble or rich; but, according as it pleases his goodness, which regards not the appearance of persons, he chooses whom he will.

Purgatory was a Catholic concept. But rather than trusting the vision of the divine on earth, Hamlet is suspicious about the ability of fallen human beings to enact justice. Rather than finding good in the face of women, Hamlet sees only evil. The King James Bible version makes it seem like the Lord is making the individual do something, as if by force or obligation, while the Puritan version states that the Lord causes the individual to do something, as if out of their own will. This alone relays the message that faith itself is driving the action, not a perceived obligation. Care for one's own health and one will be a better employee!

However, management does not always take the long-term vision that, 'if I allow my employee to take a day off for the flu, he or she will be more productive upon his or her return, and not infect other employees. Thus, they risk their own health or the health of others, to make a quick return on the corporation's investment in an employee. Also, an adolescent or even a twenty-year-old on his or her first job may have a sense of invincibility, and do imprudent things, like speed to deliver pizzas,…. Health Care -- PHI A Primary Health Care Initiative PHI is a fundamental, affordable health care mode clearly illustrated the Declaration of Alma-Ata.

Michelle Obama's "Let's Move! Unfortunately, several problems with both the Model and the initiative hamper its success. Several measures can be taken to significantly enhance the initiative's impact. It relies on continuous financial and ideological support from the immediate and larger communities, as well as the wholehearted participation of community members, who are deemed partners in their own health care HO, , pp. Though the initiative works with individuals in their local…. Works Cited Clarke, V. Unrealistic optimism and the health belief model. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23 4 , Keating Simons, K. Let's Move: Looking at the flaws of a childhood obesity intervention.

com Web site:. For that reason, a logistic related PE in Hong Kong in our case may find it challenging to align itself with certain standards embraced either in the United States or Western Europe in regard to due diligence. It is also important to note that for the logistic related PE, general partner returns variability is yet another risk factor. It can be noted that for the eight years preceding , Asia's fund returns variance was relatively higher in comparison to the U. And Western Europe variance INSEAD While the variance in the U. Though this could be driven partly by manager-selection skills, such a selection could turn out to be an uphill task for such a logistic related PE given the nature of the market.

It may also be prudent to note that according…. References INSEAD INSEAD -- AXA Private Equity Survey of Top LPs and GPs in Asian Private Equity. pdf INSEAD Asian Private Equity A : The Quest for Return. Making the smallest of small cars could happen because the timing was right for pairing just such an idea with the quickly emerging appreciation of frugal engineering innovations, or using sophisticated technologies and motivations to make a product that is affordable and helpful to the global economy and ecology. October 7, It seemed to be the perfect mix of….

Godard believed that cinema should be an extension of criticism, a concept that he is able to achieve in Le Mepris through his criticism of traditional Hollywood cinema and the restrictions imposed on directors who were struggling to define their style and voice their interpretation of stories set before them. Godard is able to inject his personal interpretation of Moravia's novel by writing the script of the film and by incorporating aspects of his relationship with Karina into the film. Godard does not compromise his authorial interpretation of Moravia's novel, yet is able to stay within the parameters set before him by the producers of the film.

In "The Art of Cinema as a Mode of Film Practice," Bordwell argues that ambiguity helps to unify realism and authorial expressivity; however, Godard does not employ ambiguity and allows the film to end conclusively. Godard believes, "A story should have a beginning,…. Works Cited Bordwell, David. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP, Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema II. London: Athalone Press, The Lord will lead one to safety always. One can simply believe in something higher to get the meaning of this; it doesn't have to be Jesus.

Psalm , contrarily is confusing because it states that unless the Lord builds the house, it is built in vain. This seems to be more literal, but I do get the idea. Unless the people building the house are doing it with the love of the Lord in their hearts, or building it for him, then what is the point? Didactic poetry can be quite comforting as seen in Psalm 23 or it can be much too literal and seen as both confusing and condescending. Psalm isn't very instructive spiritually speaking, unlike Psalm Updated Proverb: A broken toe can hurt, but a broken heart can kill.

Metaphors: Obscure or Illuminate? Didactic literature with its use of metaphors can sometimes obscure the…. It is perfectly conceivable that this nurse leader would welcome more collaborative or shared leadership responsibilities, particularly since the setting for empirical clinical research on this very issue was, in fact, an ICU osengren, Bondas, Nordholm, et al. Finally, it appears from this interview subject's input into this project that she is a competent and effective nursing leader, largely by virtue of her description of her supervisory and administrative style and inclination.

However, her input lacked any substantial data on the basis of which a reviewer could evaluate her effectiveness as a clinical leader more specifically. A review of historical literature such as in connection with Florence Nightingale clearly demonstrates that good nursing leaders may or may not necessarily also be equally good clinical leaders Stanley…. References Armstrong, P. Davidson, S. old, living away from home for the first time in an apartment in San Diego when I decided to attend college and maintain myself in an apartment without taking any financial assistance from my parents. Since I was not a California resident I had the additional expense of paying out-of-state tuition. I had a football scholarship that would pay fifty-percent of my tuition but I needed a job to pay my living expenses and the remaining tuition.

Although the time required for school and football was a fulltime job in itself, my financial needs said I needed to work between thirty and thirty five hours per week to make ends meet. With that as my motivation, I took a job at Federal Express as a package handler on the graveyard shift. The summer before starting my sophomore year of college, just two weeks before the beginning of football camp in…. Using my newfound knowledge I spent three months doing intensive rehab in the swimming pool and in lifting soup cans for weights. At the end of that time, I gained enough use of my arm to be able to work in a restaurant. Meanwhile I continued my rehabilitation for an additional eight months. During that time of rehab and unemployment, I resided in the comfort of my VW Bug.

I lived off my savings, ate canned goods, and showered at the pool after two workouts a day. Living in my VW Bug for eleven weeks and two days was an experience that will shape my life forever. It taught me the importance of resilience, humility, diligence, and the power of optimism. I know now that life gives us many obstacles we do not expect or want, but it is not what is dealt to us that is important. It is how we deal with what we are given. I learned how to handle many obstacles at the same time and perform all to the best of my ability. I found I can handle and even appreciate adversity at different times, and sometimes at the same time, while maintaining the tenacity and vision to accomplish daily responsibilities and pursue future goals.

Having learned those things will serve me well in a career with the FAA. Shaping of the Colonies in There have been few eras in human history possessed with more of the expectant optimism, and the grim pragmatism, than the century following first contact with the new world of North America. With an expansive landmass, the size of which more than doubled that known to citizens of any European country at the time, brimming with natural resources and lying open for exploration and settlement, many thinkers of the age shared Benjamin Franklin's fateful estimation, made in his tract America as a Land of Opportunity, which claimed "so vast is the Territory of North-America, that it will require many Ages to settle it fully.

While America's preeminent philosopher was prescient in…. Palm IPO Case Discuss whether any biases apply in regard to the Palm IPO to the analysts, investors, management. Yes, biases on multiple fronts were present with all stakeholders involved. I believe it is important to look at these biases in regards to the prevailing market sentiments at the time. During the period directly prior to the IPO, the markets were experiencing excessive optimism in regards to technology stock. Technology stocks during this period were valued very high relative to their intrinsic worth. In fact, many companies during this period were trading at thousands of times their prior year earnings.

In many respects, some companies commanded high prices with no earnings what so ever. This mass euphoria created irrational values on most companies in the market. The Palm IPO was a direct response to this mass euphoria surrounding technology stocks. Individual investors believing that stock prices could not come down…. References: 1 Aharon, D. Gavious and R. Yosef, Stock market bubble effects on mergers and acquisitions. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, pgs. Marcus Essentials of Investments, 5th ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN 3 Branigan, Tania. Retrieved September 1, 4 Daniel, K. Euthanasia Is Illegal Euthanasia otherwise known as assisted suicide refers to the painless extermination of a patient suffering from terminal illnesses or painful or incurable disease.

The techniques used in euthanasia induce numerous artifacts such as shifts in regional brain chemistry, liver metabolism and epinephrine levels causing death. Advocates of euthanasia trust that sparing a patient needless suffering or pain is a good thing. If an individual is hopelessly hurt or ill with no hope of ever getting well, if such a person is in an unending and unbearable pain and cannot experience the things that make life meaningful, the best option for such patients is euthanasia. Euthanasia raises questions on morals, legal and essence of…. Work Cited Baird, R. Caring for the Dying: critical issues at the edge of life. New York: Prometeus Books , pp. Euthanasia: The Debate over the right to die. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Oct 1, Cohen-Almagor, R.

Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The policy and practice of mercy killing. Netherlands: Springer, Aug 3, Devettere, Raymond. Practical decision making in health care ethics: Cases and concepts. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press, An African-American individual and a drunken cowboy actually form a great team as they push back numerous gunslingers and as they manage to get the townsfolk to overcome their racist ideas in order to fight for their homes. When regarding matters from a more dramatic point-of-view, it seems perfectly normal to acknowledge that suffering unites people regardless of their skin color and background. Richard Donner's film also emphasizes the importance of humor in the face of adversity.

Jack rown, the central character in the film, is an African-American individual who is humiliated on a constant basis by his white patrons and who is even related to as being a toy. Donner practically produced an outrageous account, taking into consideration that he made a film about a white man buying and African-American for his son. However, the humorous nature of the motion picture is actually intended to emphasize that it would…. Both films provide interesting information and it is obvious that their directors were primarily concerned in making it possible for viewers to look at racism from a whole different perspective. African-Americans who initially seem unlikely to upgrade their social status eventually succeed to act in disagreement with odds and actually manage to trigger intense feelings in viewers.

Their determination is certainly impressive and they are largely responsible for changing people's understanding of society's tendency to discriminate. While stereotypes appear to dominate most of the films' storylines, it gradually becomes obvious that they should not be taken into consideration and that, similar to most characters in the film, viewers have to acknowledge the wrongness associated with differentiating individuals. Mel Brooks. Blazing Saddles. Warner Bros, Dir. Richard Donner. The Toy. Columbia Pictures, The modes of BPD are described by the authors as consisting of the angry and impulsive child mode, the detached protector mode, the punitive parent mode and lastly the healthy adult mode. According to the authors if these modes are lacking in integration and emotions cannot be traversed across each, or if the modes are significantly unbalanced they become schemas that override normal adult behavior.

The particulars of Schema Therapy are then described after a…. References Clarkin, J. Levy, K. Lenzenweger, M. Kernberg, O. June Evaluating Three Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multiwave Study Ameican Journal of Psychology , Clarkin, J. April a Psychodynamic Treatment for Severe Personality Disorders: Issues in Treatment Development Psychoanalytic Inquiry Kellogg, S. Young, J. February Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder Journal of Clinical Psychology Kimball, J. Affect Regulation as a Mediator of Attachment and Deliberate Self-Harm.

Journal of College Counseling, 10 1 , In some cases the psychology of consumers can become so extreme, that the definition of what is speculative expands greatly. There are number of different tools that can be utilized to indentify major changes that are occurring in the trend of a stock or the market averages. These would include: headlines…. pdf "American Depository Receipt. ole of Spirituality in the Treatment of Depression Over the last thirty years, one of the most interesting paradoxes in the study and treatment of depression has been that increased knowledge about the biomedical and genetic causes of the disease has been coupled with a renewed interest in the effect of religion and spirituality on human mental health and well-being.

No matter how religion and spirituality are defined -- and many scholars and laypersons see no great distinctions between the two -- there are now hundreds of studies that demonstrate the beneficial effects of religion on both mental and physical health. Indeed, the more firmly held and intrinsic a person's religious convictions are, the more salutary the effect. eligious people are more optimistic, hopeful and trusting, and have more purpose and meaning in life than those with weak or no religious views. All of these qualities are of course lacking…. REFERENCE LIST Ai, A.. et al. Coping with Disease. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Auer, B. And J. Ang Torment of the Soul: Suicidal Depression and Spirituality. Beck, A. And B. Alford Depression: Causes and Treatment. University of Pennsylvania Press. Biebel, D. And H. Koenig New Light on Depression: Help, Hope and Answers for the Depressed and Those Who Love Them. Zondervan Publishing House. The first point addressed by Clark's review determines that a fundamental change in medical perspective had begun to transpire with the assumption of varying clinical research investigations on the subject.

This would contribute to what Clark identifies as a major shift in the way that physicians had begun to perceive and treat terminal illness. As opposed to a cut and dry preparation of the patient for the certainty of death, Clark points to a juncture in the mid to late 20th century at which medical professionals had begun to adopt "an active rather than a passive approach to the care of dying people was promoted in which the fatalistic resignation of the doctor 'there is nothing more we can do' was supplanted by a determination to find new and imaginative ways to continue caring up to the end of life. Works Cited: Clark, D.

Between hope and acceptance: the medicalisation of dying. The British Medical Journal, , p. Eckholm, E. The price of hope: Medicine's Disputed Frontier. The New York Times. Conflicting Educational Association Groups The article critiqued in this document was Lareau and Munoz's "You're not going to call the shots: Structural conflicts between the principal and the PTO at a suburban public elementary school. Their research consisted of interviews and observations at the school. Interview subjects included the principal, school board members, and parents involved in the PTO. The authors believed the source of conflict stemmed from the structure of the PTO and the principal. The authors' key points largely revolved around the thematic issues that emerged via their observation and interviews.

Specifically, the authors were able to denote that the sources of conflict seemed to come from different priorities between the…. References Eren, A. Uncovering the links between prospective teachers' personal responsibility, academic optimism, hope and emotions about teaching: a mediation analysis. Social Psychological Education. Lareau, A. Sociology of Education. Slow The Illusion of Validity. In this chapter, Kahneman pursues the further implications of two principles described earlier in the book. One is WYSIATI, or What You See Is All There Is: this is the tendency to tell a coherent story based on the immediate visible evidence, without consideration that there might be significant additional evidence.

The second is Confidence by Coherence: in Kahneman's account, a story that feels coherent gives a person an unwarranted sense of confidence. Confidence in a judgment usually means that an individual has constructed a coherent story about available evidence, not that the story is true. And feeling confident about one's judgments creates the illusion of validity and the illusion of skill in making those judgments, even when it is contradicted by the evidence. The average stock-trader on Wall Street actually performs a worse job than if the stocks were traded randomly -- what happens…. Heward reference is a book review of Nancy Close's book Listening to Children: Talking With Children About Difficult Issues -- It is improper to reference a book review-unless of course you are also reviewing the book.

I have included the proper reference Perhaps the one of the worst fears of new parents is that their child may develop a serious disability such as mental retardation or other developmental disability. This socio-cultural environment includes the family environment, community environment, and geographic locale including all shared beliefs and assumptions about child development and about disabilities. Positivity is a value every human should have in their life. Optimism Personal Experience Personal Growth and Development. While My Chemical Romance comes off as emo, depressed, and suicidal, their songs actually say the opposite.

The lyrics of most of their songs actually send a message of hope to their fans and not give up. Many kids have looked up to My Chemical Hope Optimism Song. The research paper seeks to prove that upon the creation of man, God was optimistic to absolute perfection in man, but instead he was led to seek perfect righteousness in Christ. God sent his son, Jesus Christ to bring salvation to earth and change the God Human Optimism. While reading this book, I first struggled with the question of how it pertained directly to the class material. It seems almost as if the book is written as one long poem. While I was typing my exam, I began to take notice of similarities Optimism Ray Bradbury Something Wicked This Way Comes. Optimists are people who anticipate positive outcomes, whether serendipitously or through perseverance and effort, and who are confident of attaining desired goals.

Most individuals lie somewhere Technological optimism is the belief that technology can be used to better our lives and that it can make the world a better place. A lot of people nowadays rely heavily on technology, and there is good reason for it. One example would be medicine Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Fishing Essays About Myself Essays Alcohol Essays Baseball Essays Beauty Essays Biography Essays Career Goals Essays Christmas Essays Community Service Essays Courage Essays. Filter Show Graded Essays Only. Top 10 Similar Topics Freedom Peace Cars Hobby Dance Reading Books Shoes Bucket List Interests Moment. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need!

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