Essays on american history
Lsbf Essay Samples. Spanish colonialists favored the political situation in the region. DuBois underscores the essays on american history falseness in approaching history, given that on some level there will always be editorializing. A breakdown of Lincolns House Divided Speech. They were angry about the economy, but they were also angry because they felt they had been mislead by the government, and the war was really being fought to gain territory in Canada, which they did not agree with.
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The wise saying goes that desperate situations need desperate remedies. I am not willing to term it as the slave rebellion of Fighting repression of the worst order is not rebellion, but it is a noble act of the highest order. In America slavery was business as usual for centuries under various guises. In Manhattan one out of five at that time was a slave. Exploitation of the Blacks was the order of the day. In New York particularly, a section of the White society believed that slavery was wrong, and at the same time they were worried about the retaliatory action by the slaves that they would rebel, essays on american history, and when there was a rash of fires in the city inthe Blacks became the suspects. There is lots of controversy about the reasons for the rebellion, whether essays on american history was a social reaction or a criminal conspiracy with motivated agenda, whether factors other than racism were involved.
Assuming for a while that the Blacks were the culprits for the major incidents of fire, the important issue for me is what led them to such desperate measures. They were persecuted in the name of religion, political ideologies that supported slavery, scheming of the vested interests and big farmers etc. The judicial process was also interrupted at the final stages, after thirty executions, that the slaves did not have the mental capacity to plan such a conspiracy. But the type of punishment given to the convicted slaves was again mockery of justice and an act of racism, as Whites were not burned as it was done in the case of many Blacks. The reliance on shoddy evidence provides the picture of legal proceedings during that time, which placed no value to the lives of the Blacks.
There can be essays on american history justifications for cruelty in colonial America on an unprecedented scale unleashed by the White race. Dehumanizing process of the Blacks was practiced on a wide scale in New York, and every effort was made by the vested interests amongst the Whites to cripple the minds, darken their spirits, degrade their moral status and destroy all traces of their connections to mankind, essays on american history. The weight of their bondage is too difficult for the printed words to capture. Blacks groaned under the burden of their hardships for centuries.
In every segment of social and economic life of America Blacks were not given their rightful place and were humiliated. The slave rebellion and the fire in New York in need to be evaluated and understood in the context of this backgrounder information and the treatment meted out to the Blacks is a blot on the racial history of America, which can be forgiven by the Blacks in the larger interests of American democracy, but never be forgotten. Bibliography Lepore, Jill New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery, and Conspiracy in Eighteenth-Century Manhattan. Vintage; New York, Print. The paper "American history" was written by a real student and voluntarily submitted to this database, essays on american history.
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Industrialization created an enormous working class in the United States, generally impoverished and localized in urban centers. Urban Progressives influenced domestic policy and helped enact new laws and regulations designed to protect the working poor and ensure their well-being. In the short-term, these new policies did have the effect of improving the lot of many in the working class. Over the long-term, these policies helped centralize more power in the hands of the federal government, power which would ultimately be employed in ways contrary to the original Progressive intent.
Foreign policy was no less affected than domestic policy by the social and economic changes that were occurring in the United States at the…. Works Cited Johnson, Paul. A History of the American People. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Reading this piece is particularly interesting, as it is a direct account of the events during that day in The article describes very clearly the images that could be seen during the "tea party" and its after effects. It is particularly funny to read about things like people trying to take some of the tea for themselves, and then being very "roughly handled.
It appears to be both humorous and factual about the event, describing the events surrounding the tea party, as well as the "party" itself. It describes the tea staining the water so clearly that the reader can almost see the remains of the tea and chests, as well as the color of the water for miles around the coast. I really enjoyed reading this, because of the direct descriptions of the…. The Role of Federalism, Foreign Tariffs and the Western Territories: The period before the American Civil war coincided with the evolution of the modern American federal court system, particularly with respect to the nature of the relationship and the respective authority of the federal government and sovereign state courts Murrin Landmark Supreme Court cases had begun chipping away at the rights of states to decide issues related to slavery, but equally serious were the other threats imposed by federal authority on the economic independence of the southern states.
In general, the concept of political democracy and government by the people was embraced much more in the American North than in the South. Specifically, the southern white population was largely uneducated poor who owned no land of their own but worked for wealthy plantation owners from whom they leased small parcels of land. The political climate of the South resembled…. Lakwete, a. Inventing the Cotton Gin: Machine and Myth in Antebellum America. Johns Hopkins University. Murrin, J. Nevins, J. American in the New Millennium, American History The world is in constant change. The civilization that we experience today would have been hardly envisaged by the people living in the beginnings of the 20th century. This is largely due to economic, political, social, and technological advancements.
These elements will most likely impact the way in which the world evolves in the new millennium as well. The United States is still considered to be the most important democratic pole of the world and the largest economy. The elements mentioned above are the ones that will influence the development of the United States in the future. Despite the fact that the U. is the most important country in the world by most standards and the "land of all opportunities," given the economic recession, the political and economic life in the country may affect the way in which this millennium starts for the…. Bibliography Gans, Herbert. The New York Times. November 24, To understand the spirit of the econstruction crisis, one must understand the reality of the civil war, recognize that the generation of Americans caught up in the web of econstruction actually lived, actually confronted a situation, today totally alien to us, where countrymen killed countrymen, where political power involved more than the simple control of administration.
Benedict, , p. Most important, epublicans insisted upon protection for former slaves in their new freedom. Yet these same Northerners, including epublicans, displayed a remarkable reluctance to force these changes on the South through the power of the national government. At first many epublicans hoped Southerners themselves would inaugurate the necessary changes voluntarily, but it quickly…. References Andrew Johnson, Presidency. In The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6th ed. Retrieved from www. The Business of Jews in Louisiana, Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press. Benedict, M. The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson.
New York: Norton. Johnson, Andrew. In the Columbia Encyclopedia 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Like the Jamestown colony, the Plymouth colony also had dealings with the Native Ameicans. In ode to maintain peace, howeve, the colonists made a teaty with the Native Ameicans. Upon finding a Native Ameican who could speak English, the Plymouth colony succeeded in passing a peace teaty with the Native Ameicans, which, among othe things, allowed the colonists and the Native Ameicans to make a secuity pact. Othe than feaed theat fom the Native Ameicans, the colonists had a vaiety of diffeent poblems settling in the aea. These included illness, finding povisions, etc. Thid and finally, the colony at Massachusetts Bay allowed faith to play an incedible ole in the fomation of the society's laws.
John Winthop's "A Model of Chistian Chaity" sets out not what actual stuggles that the colonists had duing the foundation of thei colonies, but what kind of social contact that they would live by. Although the document does not directly discuss the problems that Native Americans brought to the country, it did encourage new Americans to work together in order to develop a new society. For instance, in this model, Winthrop instructs his fellow colonists to accept that they have no enemies in Christ. This would make for dealing with Native Americans in a very different manner than the previous two colonies did. In addition, Winthrop's propositions for Massachusetts Bay Colonies have incredible implications for societal order. Like the Plymouth colony which sought to instruct colonists on how to live together as Christians, the Massachusetts Bay Colony as structured by Winthrop would have to rely on a great deal of community building in order to survive.
Thus, elements of all three of these colonies helped foster the culture of the United States, which would become one of the predominate cultures in the world in the 20th century. While these colonies had similarities, such as overcoming disease and troubles with Native Americans, they also had differences, such as their goals and upon what system they were based. The Massachusetts Bay Colony and Plymouth Colony have a great deal of similarities, as they were both founded primarily on Christian principals. The Jamestown colony, however, has a more governmental and business flavor.
Sweeney is Deek's teache all acoss the movie and even a substitute fo the fathe Deek lost. The tansfomation suffeed by Deek fom a naow-minded skinhead to a thinke and a feedom fighte is impessive. Pat of Deek's new concept of life if patly due to the skinhead faction because of thei teachings and of thei actions in pison. A main motive fo Deek's change is the fact that he discoveed the demuing natue of skinheads geneally. The movie evolves as Deek's chaacte advances fom one phase to anothe by becoming an odinay citizen woying fo the good sake of his family. As he gets out of pison, Deek uses his fame to each Cameon and to explain that he's out of the faction and that he's taking Danny with him.
Even with Danny out of Cameon's plan and his impoved life, Deek cannot escape the nightmae. references whatsoever. The easier way of coping with the situation would leave Derek involved in drug trafficking and against all he previously stood for. This situation would have been less painful and even profitable, but in fact it would have killed the concept of freedom and of a free America. Derek's decision allows him to still have respect for himself by not kneeling in front of all that was wrong. Because of previously being a good and devoted student to Cameron, Derek had also learned to keep his beliefs regardless to what the consequences might have been. Ironically, by keeping his head up, Derek wins his freedom inside prison by keeping his mind free from the corrupt system.
As he wins Sweeney's trust to support him at the board committee meeting, Derek also has a material prize in the form of freedom. Having become confident and independent, Derek proved a normal being's capabilities of metamorphosis and freeing himself of his own demons. The road back to his family is assured both by Sweeney's intervention and his own transformation. As he returns, Derek finds a disorganized family living in a small apartment and his brother Danny a true fan of Cameron's. Derek now has to deal with the reformation of his family's life habits by making his mother quit smoking, assuring a good education for both his brother and sister, and getting a job.
Derek's worst greatest task is to convince Danny to leave Cameron and to forget all the racist propaganda he learned. Sweeney is Derek's teacher all across the movie and even a substitute for the father Derek lost. The transformation suffered by Derek from a narrow-minded skinhead to a thinker and a freedom fighter is impressive. Part of Derek's new concept of life if partly due to the skinhead faction because of their teachings and of their actions in prison. A main motive for Derek's change is the fact that he discovered the demurring nature of skinheads generally.
The movie evolves as Derek's character advances from one phase to another by becoming an ordinary citizen worrying for the good sake of his family. As he gets out of prison, Derek uses his fame to reach Cameron and to explain that he's out of the faction and that he's taking Danny with him. Even with Danny out of Cameron's plan and his improved life, Derek cannot escape the nightmare. Although they lived in the same are and struggled with many of the same social problems, the film certainly allowed viewers to see the communication barriers that developed between members of different races. This is especially important for the counselor who wishes to work with the multiculturally diverse. The primary communication barrier was erected between blacks and whites.
First, viewers can see this in the school between two educated members of these races. Murry, Danny's history teacher and a white Jew, confronts African-American principal Dr. Sweeney about the Mein Kampf paper that Danny has written. Murry is highly offended by the attitudes in the paper, while Dr. Sweeney wants to give Danny another chance. The two have difficulty coming to…. References Collins, Noah M. And Pieterse, Alex L. Journal of Counseling and Development. Ibrahim, Farah a. Contribution of Cultural Worldview to Generic Counseling and Development. Journal of Counseling and Development 70, Kaye, Tony Director. American History X. His allegations have been considered to be true because of the fact that Americans had already been alarmed by the quick spread of Communism.
Most of those accused by McCarthy to have been loyal to the Communist Party had been shortly dismissed from their jobs. Also, McCarthy became very popular as a result of his frequent speeches which were intended to shed more light concerning people favoring communism. The era in which Americans were leading a national anti-communist crusade started to be known as "McCarthyism. had had…. Works cited: 1. Jeremy Black, "World War Two," Routledge, Robert Stacy Mccain, "Authors Take Another Look at McCarthy's Role in History," the Washington Times, February 9, 4.
Based on Thumim's work, it is possible to suggest that the reason John Fitzgerald Kennedy won the hite House had little to do with his wealth, his brains, the party's backing, his II heroism or even his obviously intelligent wife. In view of Thumim's claims, it is possible to conclude that a nation of devalued women -- 'put down' on television sitcoms for more than a decade -- were looking for a knight in shining armor to, if not save them, at least be charming to them while keeping them under lock and key. Certainly, that would have to be counted as a stunning impact of television on American politics.
If this is only partly true, then one would have to conclude that television helped sunder the political sensibilities of voters in the United States along gender lines. It should be noted, too, that broadcast personnel were virtually all men. Works Cited Barbara Walters. Available from NNBD Web site. Kramer, Hilton. Telling Lies about History: "The Fifties" on Television. New Criterion, January, Thumim, Janet. Researching the Historical Audience: Gender and Broadcast Television in the s. Screen 36, no. American History ole of the United States in Europe After WWII This essay attempts to present the role of the United States of America in the reconstruction of post World War II Europe. This report also attempts to provide information regarding the covert Cold War, the formation of NATO, and the ample economic trade opportunities sought by the Americans.
After the successful D-Day invasion of Normandy Beach, it did not take much longer for the allied forces to topple the rest of Hitler's army. The blitzkrieg was over and the world was ready to begin to disassociate the German people from Adolf Hitler's boisterous speeches, the holocaust, the charge on Moscow by the Panzers, and ommil's quest for oil reserves in the deserts of Africa. Everyone wanted to believe that the German nation had simply been manipulated by a madman. But by the time Hitler fell, the damage had already…. References Beichman, Arnold. Congressional Record. Brinkley, Douglas History of the United States. New York: American Heritage. Dennis, Donald Philips Foreign Policy in a Democracy: The Role of the Foreign Policy Association.
New York. Foreign Policy Association, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions. Foreign Policy, pgs. American History McCarthyism McCarthyism is a term that originated in the early s during America's campaign against the spread of Communism in Asia and other parts of the world. Technically defined, McCarthyism is "the political practice of publicizing accusations of disloyalty or subversion with insufficient regard to evidence" and "the use of methods of investigation and accusation regarded as unfair, in order to suppress opposition. The Baby Boom The Baby Boom was the event in which American population had exploded during the post-World War II era. The Baby Boom had brought out an…. And women were actually recruited for this specific kind of work, which seems a new approach to female presence in the workplace.
However, the way Baker describes it, with "agents" scouring the country "to decoy girls away from their homes with the promise of high wages" the word "decoy" suggests deception and deviousness , makes it seem undignified and sinister. These factories seem to be enslaving women, not empowering women, although Baker notes that rough as the work is, women are given a chance to "toil" in order to support an "aged mother or orphaned brother and sister. Probably she would not recommend this place of employment because it represented "…a miserable, selfish spirit of competition" which Baker hoped would be "…thrust from us and consigned to eternal oblivion. Works Cited Baker, Josephine L. The Lowell Offering: Writings by New England Mill Women New York W.
Norton, American History On the 20th of October, , the address to the brigade by Jones spoke of many topics of concern. First of all, Jones mentioned that it was their god's wish for them to assemble and fight against the enemies of the righteous folks at the region of Northern Lake George, especially Fort Ticonderoga. These enemies were the British who were believed to be on their way to attack. In the address, it was mentioned that if the people would not gather and defend the area, the citizens of the area would eventually be enslaved and put under circumstances that would not be acceptable. In order to prevent such a situation, the troops were gathered for defense so that eventually, the American people would attain salvation.
They were to defend their homeland even though the enemies had no reason to put them in such a situation to begin with. Because all humans are essentially in diaspora from our original ancestors, it can be especially fruitful to Africanize all history. Finding Africanisms in Black Culture means detailing the different ways Blacks have preserved identity and culture, while also reconstructing identities and culture in diaspora. The Gullah culture is one of the best examples of Africanisms in Black American culture. Although African Americans had been systematically stripped of language and tradition during the process of enslavement and the trans-Atlantic slave trade, it is nevertheless possible—and necessary—to trace Africanisms to their source.
Prior to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, pan-African history evolved as civilizations with coherent language and culture migrated throughout the continent. The most notable of all cultural migrations was the Bantu, which…. Works Cited Franklin, John Hope and Evelyn Brooks Higgenbotham. From Slavery to Freedom. Lack of Freedoms and Limited Opportunities of Women and Native Americans for the Period from in America Introduction The year counts as the starts of colonization in America. This is when Columbus sailed into the new-found land with three of his ships i. Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta. Native Americans impressed him with their kindness but he resulted to abusing them instead of showing the same kindness Snyder, The king and queen Ferinand and Isabella were not impressed with the manner in which Columbia was treating the Native Americans Marilley, The King and Queen force Columbus to go back to Spain.
After this, in the year , another group went into a small Island known as Roanoke with an objective of colonizing it. Roanoke Island one of the Americas Islands. This group was not successful in their colonization mission. Another group was sent in to…. References Buhle, M. Women and the making of America. Upper Saddle River, N. Camp, S. Closer to Freedom: Enslaved Women and Everyday Resistance in the Plantation South Gender and American culture pp. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Clow, R. Native Americans and the Law: Contemporary and Historical Perpectives on American Indian Rights, Freedoms, and Sovereignty.
The Western Historical Quarterly, 28 4 , doi: Disowned by the Ownership Society: How Native Americans Lost Their Land. Rural Sociology, 79 1 , Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United States, McDonagh, E. Journal Of American History, 4 , First peoples in a new world: Colonizing ice age America. Berkeley: University of California Press. Salinas, M. Christianity, Colonialism and Women in Latin America in the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries. Social Compass, 39 4 , Japanese Internment The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent declaration of war by the US against Japan set in motion a chain of events that would lead to the internment of Japanese-origin people living in the United States.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote Executive Order , ordering all Japanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast two months after the bombing. The result was that , people were interned in 10 camps across the country History. com, The order was driven by the widespread belief that Japanese-Americans and immigrants were plotting to aid Japan in the conflict. There was no evidence of such a plot, or of any sentiment to sabotage the war effort. The relocation and internment was not applied to people of Japanese origin living in Hawai'I, nor to people of German or Italian origin, nations that the US was also fighting in the conflict History. One of…. References Frail. The injustice of Japanese-American internment camps resonates strongly to this day.
Smithsonian Magazine. com Japanese-American relocation History. As first ladies take a back seat to their husbands, historians usually depict figures like Mary Todd Lincoln and Varina Davis gingerly. A considerable amount has been written on Mary Todd Lincoln, less so about Varina Davis. Both women have been often vilified, portrayed as overbearing, interfering, and problematic. However, both women exemplified the ways white women in positions of power negotiated their subordinate status and gender norms. As wives, mothers, and de facto leaders, Lincoln and Davis also juggled numerous roles and dealt with role conflict too. Lincoln and Davis were both relatively outspoken and socially assertive women whose inability to directly participate in the political process did not undermine their willingness to subvert patriarchal norms to influence not just their….
Works Cited Cashin, Joan E. pdf Davis, Varina. pdf Ellison, Betsy Boles. The True Mary Todd Lincoln. Pederson, William D. John Wiley, Ross, Ishbel. The First Lady of the South: The Life of Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Ebook: Pickle Partners, Spencer, Evan R. Chicano History: An Overview of Chicano Historiography The past shapes the present, and to understand the present, we must understand the past. Particularly given the rise in racism and anti-immigrant sentiment directed towards Latinos today, it is vital to understand the long struggle for equality in our nation. Touching base with past history is particularly important given the fluidity of fact and fiction in the modern Internet age. As noted by Chávez , there has been a deep hunger among Chicano and Chicana historians to recover the lost past and work against the attempt to erase the impact Chicanos have had upon American history for hundreds of years.
References Chávez, E. Pacific Historical Review, You Tube. be The Longoria Affair. The Great War The forces of nationalism, imperialism and militarism all played a role in the events that led to the Great War. As Gilbert notes, the Germans had industrialized and were now a threat to the British Empire in terms of becoming an economic and military powerhouse. Germany had, after all, just won the Franco-Prussian War and reclaimed the all-important Alsace and Lorraine regions. The Germans had also allied themselves with the Ottomans, which meant that Germany now oversaw the Bosporous Straights—and that meant Germany was a threat to Russia as well. Thus, France, the UK and Russia all had a reason to ally with one another against Germany, and Germany did not help itself by backing Austria-Hungary against the Serbs and Pan-Slavic movement in Eastern Europe.
References Balfour Declaration. htm Bradberry, B. The Myth of German Villainy. IN: AuthorHouse. Gilbert, M. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE.
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