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Essay on nuclear power

Essay on nuclear power

British Judge Lord Bringham warned states powers intrude liberty privacy individuals justification fight a "war terror. The high start up cost to open a nuclear plant can be made back in a reasonable time and from then forward, it is inexpensive energy being produced. Besides safety issues, essay on nuclear power, nuclear power presents possible financial risks that make the technology less than ideal. For those in poorer nations, we do not even have a way to supply them power. Two years ago, the administration even went essay on nuclear power far as to advocate tax breaks for people who buy big gas-guzzling SUVs. Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. It also helps ensure that the troops and resources are readily available in each locality when urgent issues of various kinds result.

Essays Related To Nuclear Power: Pros and Cons

This essay discusses some of the major advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy. Nuclear power is generated using Uranium, a mineral of which one of the isotopes, U- is unstable. The nucleus breaks down resulting in the emission of heat and radiation followed by a chain reaction. This is called nuclear fission and this process liberates a large amount of energy, but the process also releases radiation which is very dangerous. Clean Energy Nuclear energy has the ability to produce electricity without greenhouse gas emissions. It produces electricity without pollution. It is cleaner than many other forms of energy production. High Quantities Nuclear reaction releases a million times more energy, as compared to hydro or wind energy, essay on nuclear power.

Large quantity of energy is generated from a single nuclear power plant. High Reserves Nuclear reactors make use of uranium as fuel and produces huge essay on nuclear power of energy from small essay on nuclear power of uranium. The Earth has the high reserves of uranium. Current estimates put the uranium supply as enough to last for 30 to 60 years. Moreover other fuel cycles like Thorium are available for power generation, essay on nuclear power. Whereas, oil reserves and other fossil type fuels are likely to run out shortly. Reliability Nuclear power plants operate reliably and have a continuous output of power. The plants do not generally face operations and maintenance problems.

This is a contrast to other alternative energies which depend on the activity of the weather. Low Operating cost Although nuclear power reactors are essay on nuclear power to build, they are relatively cheap to operate. Fuel is inexpensive and a plant can be operated by small number of people, approximately 10 people. Concentration The nuclear energy is by far the most concentrated form of energy, so it can be produced in large quantities over short periods of time. Cheap Nuclear energy produces electricity at a competitive price and is generally comparable in output to coal plants. Location A nuclear plant is not dependant on local sources like oil and coal and can be set up in any part of the globe. It also does not require a lot of space and essay on nuclear power can be placed in already developed areas and the power does not have to be transferred over long distances.

Nuclear Weapons Threat It has potential nuclear proliferation issues. Some reactors produce plutonium which can be used to make nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are a major threat to the world as they can cause a large-scale devastation. High Capital Intensive Nuclear Plants require a high level of technology and a essay on nuclear power initial capital investment. Its abandonment cost is also very high. Long Gestation Period It takes a long time to build, about years to develop a single plant. Radioactive Waste There are issues with management of radioactive waste.

The spent fuel is highly radioactive and has to be carefully stored for many years after use. A solution to the waste management problem needs to be explored and developed. Non-renewable energy Nuclear energy is an alternative energy but not a renewable energy as Uranium is a non-renewable source and its supplies are limited. Terrorism Nuclear plants may be vunerable targets to anyone wanting to disrupt the power supply, and to have quite horrific results and to devastate an entire region. Conclusion Today, nuclear energy remains controversial, essay on nuclear power. There are proponents and opponents of nuclear energy, but nuclear energy along with other green energies has a major role to play in years to come. The actions to mitigate the risk associated with nuclear energy need to given due importance to harness its full potential, essay on nuclear power.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty went into effect in and requires the Nations involved…. The Fukushima nuclear disaster touched people around the world. The essay on nuclear power for the citizens of…. Close Menu Essay Topics. Related Essays Nuclear Weapons In its attempts to harness the power of the atom, mankind has itself in the…. Nuclear Energy You are watching the control panels and gages for rector two. Sitting comely you think…. Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster The Fukushima nuclear disaster touched people around the world.

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Uranium fuel is also fairly cheap since relatively small quantities are needed for power production. Inexpensive electricity is another benefit of nuclear. Nuclear electricity is cheaper to produce than any current fossil fuel. Low operating cost being considered along with the average year lifecycle of a plant, financially make nuclear a good investment. Although nuclear energy seems like the answer to all energy needs, it does not come without its draw backs. Probably the biggest concern with it is the environmental impact that comes from the dangerous, highly radioactive, used fuel cells.

This waste cannot simply be brought to a landfill to be dumped. It must be stored in special built areas, disposed of carefully, and protected. All of which adds up to large amounts of money. Nuclear power plants also require large investments to become operational. Billions of dollars can be tied up in years of construction which can be major decision factor. Terrorism is also cause for concern. Finally, it is no secret that nuclear power is inevitably dangerous and potentially prone to accidents. Just look at the Chernobyl accident that occurred in Ukraine in the 80s and the environmental and economic impact it had on Europe that still affect it today.

Look at the Fukushima meltdown in Japan. Environmental impacts are still largely an issue in the area. Three Mile Island in the US was also a major concern in the late 70s. Clean up lasted for years and costed US tax payers a billion dollars for the meltdown. Even after considering all the cons, the pros still out weight them. The high start up cost to open a nuclear plant can be made back in a reasonable time and from then forward, it is inexpensive energy being produced. Nuclear power plants have security second to none so terrorist threats are extremely low. The United States has also never had a nuclear accident of the same category of Chernobyl or Fukushima. Finally, the US has invested in nuclear waste storage facilities so that the waste is of no danger to the public.

Nuclear energy is one of the best options today for increasing energy demands on the US power grid. As was stated earlier in the essay, when renewable technology advances far enough to be practical for large scale energy production, nuclear will have to be looked at again. But for long lasting, high output energy production, nuclear power simply is the best option. Nuclear Power: Pros and Cons. com, Dec 10, Accessed January 7, com , Dec Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. Given that, while there still risks that the deal may be scuttled or delayed, in all likelihood the deal will pass. The trade-off for the U. will be that it gets some certainty with respect to the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for allowing Iran to have a civilian nuclear program for power generation, subject to strict controls.

The paper analyzes the other options on the table and explains why a negotiated agreement with Iran is superior to the other potential alternatives that are available. Introduction At the time of writing, Iran is engaged in talks with the United States and several other stakeholder nations…. References ADL The Iranian nuclear deal: Why it matters. Anti-Defamation League. html Al-Ghoul, A. Hamas mixed on Iran nuclear deal. Why Saudi Arabia and Israel oppose Iran nuclear deal. html Anishchuk, A. Iran's Rouhani says wants nuclear issue resolved, but draws lines.

Nuclear Energy The modern world has been characterized with several environmental issues in the recent past including natural resource depletion, climate change, pollution, and overpopulation. However, climate change has attracted significant attention because of increased environmental impact of industrialization and globalization. Climate change is largely attributable to the current energy sources, which continue to affect the environment. As a result, the search for a suitable energy source with little to no environmental effect has become a major issue for policymakers, governments, and environmentalists. Despite conventional views that nuclear power is unsuitable, recent studies and statistics have considered it a clean energy source.

This has contributed to arguments and counter-arguments on whether nuclear energy is clean and safe for the environment. Despite having little to no emission of dangerous gases, nuclear energy is unsustainable when considered from an economic and social perspective. The Case for Nuclear Energy In the past few…. References Cavanagh, R. Nuclear Energy Film Overstates Positives, Underplays Negatives. European Climate Targets Achievable Without Nuclear Power. DIW Economic Bulletin, 5 47 , Koffler, D. The Case for Nuclear Power. The Guardian. energy Totty, M. The Case For and Against Nuclear Power. The Wall Street Journal. Nuclear weapons became a tool of American policy that goes far beyond protection of national interests, for American national interests depend on the propagation of American ideals.

The United States is, in the words of Harold Lasswell, a "garrison state;" a crusading nation that seeks to combat all enemies real and imagined and to remake the world in its own image. Flint Under the new doctrine, nuclear strategy becomes a means of enforcing an ideology - all dissent, or supposed dissent, is rooted out through the threat of ultimate and complete destruction. Terrorism is made the defining characteristic of immorality. States that support terrorism become the ultimate evildoers. The Bush Administration redefined international relations in terms of an axis of good led by the United States and its allies, and an axis of evil consisting preeminently of Iraq, Iran, and North Korea and their terrorist associates.

Alone among these…. References Botti, Timothy J. Ace in the Hole: Why the United States Did Not Use Nuclear Weapons in the Cold War, to Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Flint, Colin, ed. The Geography of War and Peace: From Death Camps to Diplomats. New York: Oxford University Press, Hilsman, Roger. From Nuclear Military Strategy to a World without War: A History and a Proposal. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, Hirschbein, Ron. Massing the Tropes: The Metaphorical Construction of American Nuclear Strategy. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International, In fact: In the months following the accident, although questions were raised about possible adverse effects from radiation on human, animal, and plant life in the TMI area, none could be directly correlated to the accident.

Thousands of environmental samples of air, water, milk, vegetation, soil, and foodstuffs were collected by various groups monitoring the area. Very low levels of radionuclides could be attributed to releases from the accident. However, comprehensive investigations and assessments by several well-respected organizations have concluded that in spite of serious damage to the reactor, most of the radiation was contained and that the actual release had negligible effects on the physical health of individuals or the environment. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

hile the Three Mile Island incident did not cause the same type of damage as Chernobyl and the destruction from Chernobyl was less than people initially believed it would be, it is clear…. Works Cited Kinley, D, Ed. Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental, and Socio-Economic Impacts and Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine. Chernobyl Forum: Vienna, TXU Energy. TVA Company Profile The TVA is a self-financed government agency with approximately 13, employees, as of estimates. Its mission is to bring prosperity to the Tennessee Valley through excellent business performance and public service. These are to be achieved by supplying low-cost but reliable power, maintaining a thriving River, and fostering economic growth throughout the southeaster region, traversing 7 States.

At the peak of its growth, TVA was serving more than 8 million users in more than 80, square miles of region The TVA's integrated management of water resources, combined with its exceptional institutional capacity enabled it to lift one of the poorest regions in the U. into a strong economy and healthy environment today. It accomplished…. And Alavian, V. Tennessee Valley authority experiment. Case Study in Integrated Water Resource Management. USAID Water Team: United States Agency for International Development. pdf Funding Universe Tennessee Valley Authority: company profile.

The development of the atomic bomb as well as its perceived success rate however made further development in chemical and biological weaponry unnecessary. It is worth noting that biological weapons were never employed significantly in World War I and World War II. The effects of biological weapons even if crude has been pointed out by Spiers when he mentioned how Japanese surrendered in abut six of their soldiers released several plague-infested rates as well as sixty horses that were infested with the deadly glanders into the relatively quite and safer Chinese countryside. This left Changchun as well as its environs unsafe for habitation until the s Conclusion A review of literature indicates that the United States never actively used chemical or biological weapons as part of its military operations.

In its history of military development and its rise to be the world superpower. There are cases however when…. References Anderson, F F ed. The Oxford Companion to American Military History Black. J America as a Military Power: From the American Revolution to the Civil War Chambers, JW ed. Wadsworth Publishing. British Judge Lord Bringham warned states powers intrude liberty privacy individuals justification fight a "war terror. This essay words pages Also sources needed paper. The events in the United States demonstrated that the world, as it was in , was not prepared for a security breach that was unconventional in nature and modus operandi. Since then, the national security strategies have changed dramatically throughout the world. One of the most significant change if not the most significant, took place in the United States that considered itself a true victim of the terrorist phenomenon and decided to prevent further events to ever take place on….

References Cockfield, A. Evolving Threats To National Security" Stanford Law and Policy Review, Vol , Sheldon, B. Special Project National Security Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. Nordstrom is a service-driven company, and this is what helps it to differentiate itself from other similar retailers. The company is one of many department stores in the United States that typically anchor malls and sometimes downtown shopping districts. Nordstrom's target market is similar to many other such retailers, and it seeks to differentiate by offering a superior level of customer service that makes for a better customer experience, and a higher degree of brand loyalty than other department stores might be able to cultivate with their customers.

Nordstrom sales people may well be apt to stay with the company because they are treated well. First, they have little to do but serve the customer, and the company supports them on their customer service initiatives. Further, the sales staff receives pay and benefits that are above average in their industry. This is because Nordstrom wants to attract the best people…. This section is important for a number of reasons, including the fact that it reinforces the differences between the state and the federal government without weakening the role of the states to protect and defend themselves.

It also helps ensure that the troops and resources are readily available in each locality when urgent issues of various kinds result. They can be used for natural disasters, various forms of social control, helping in other times or need, as well as to address more complicated issues like war and terrorism. This latter issue has become most important recently as localities look to be…. Legal basis of the national guard. aspx Bancuk, L. Learning to Give. html Crosses of Lafayette Private website. Cuban Missile Crisis Beta particles are identical to electrons according to all measures that have been conducted in this regard, rendered distinct only by the fact that they are emitted from radioactive substances Bodner, Other types of radiation also exist, but alpha and beta particles are the primary drivers of basic nuclear reactions Bodner, ; Loveland et al.

adioactive decay -- the result on the source substance of emitting of radioactive particles -- occurs at an exponentially decreasing rate over terms known as the "half life," which is the amount of time it takes for one-half of a quantity of a given radioactive element to transition to a lighter element through its loss of alpha particles with incidental beta particle emission, as well, though this does not fundamentally change the element Carpi, In a nuclear reaction such as the harnessed power of Uranium's radioactivity, neutrons are used to break apart…. References Bodner. Nuclear chemistry.

Accessed 16 December php Carpi, A. Nuclear Chemistry: An Introduction. In Visionlearning Vol. CHE-2 3 , Washington, DC: Dept. Of Education. html top Loveland, W. Seaborg, G. Modern Nuclear Chemistry. New York: Wiley. Pieces must first be cut down to the sizes and specifications listed on the plans you have selected, and shaped into the various different parts for both the siding and the interior of the submarine. This shaping and cutting can require some heavy-duty laser and cutting-edge equipment -- again, keep those friends close, unless you happen to have enough funds to acquire several dozen different pieces of heavy machinery. The heavy equipment needs continue with the next step, which is joining the individual pieces called for in the design through heavy-duty welding, utilizing electric arcs.

A watertight craft able to withstand the pressures of deep-sea dives is of course essential to your happiness in your new sub, so make sure those welds are complete. Once the craft is built, you will need some fissionable material -- enriched uranium is most typically used -- to power the vessel and, if you're…. Photovoltaic power system is a type of renewable energy that converts solar energy into solar photovoltaic electricity. Photovoltaic PV technology converts energy from the sunlight into the electricity. One of the advantages of the PV technology is that it is pollution free, and it is applicable with little maintenance. EPIA With the advantages derived from the PV energy systems, varieties of research have been launched at national and international laboratories focusing on the mass production of solar power at possible lower costs.

Dahl, In German, there are varieties of efforts in the development of PV technology. There has been an increase in the collaboration of government, university and the industry consortia in the development of Photovoltaic…. References Dahl, T Photovoltaic Power Systems. Technology White Paper El-Beyrouty, K. Meimanaliev, A. Petrosyan, L. et al. Germany's Photovoltaic Cluster. Competitiveness of Microeconomics: Clusters, Firms and Economic Development. Photovoltaic Energy: Electricity from the Su EPIA, Who is EPIA? And it has chosen to do this in no small part because its chief opponents who favor the new school of institutionalism are unable and unwilling to counterpunch. For right now, the major organizations of global collaboration are actually down if not out on the mats of the boxing ring, fearing, in reality, their own revival.

If they arise and confront Iran, they would not only bring unwanted attention to a significant and potentially expensive conflict which they cannot afford , they might also even have to acknowledge that they are able to unleash an entire new level of nuclear manipulation and confusion, one that would engage the destructive capabilities of cyberwarfare -- a potential blow to many elements of deterrence and power. At this point, however, the match…. And Sadjadpour, K. Saudi Arabia. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Hirsch, M. Iran's Great Game. The Daily Beast. html Jonsson, C. And Tallberg, J.

International Theory and International Relations. Korab-Karpowicz, W. Julian, "Political Realism in International Relations," The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Fall Edition , Edward N. Zalta ed. wanted to be the instigators of a nuclear conflagration. Kennedy had to find out what the other side really wanted. Ury, , p. missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union. Thus, Khrushchev had used intermediate-range missiles in Cuba because a "deployment in Cuba would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U. attack against the Soviet Union," once the missiles were assembled "An Overview of the Crisis," the Cuban Missile Crisis, In short, the U. wanted security, and security would also mean a safe, and a face-saving way out of the current situation.

Step 4: Reframe Kennedy shifted to openness, from secrecy, and declared that any nuclear action launched from Cuba against a nation of…. Works Cited An Overview of the Crisis. html Discovery. html Ends of a Rope. html Public Phase. leadership styles and power bases of CO, XO, Chief of the Boat COB? Consider the full range of possible styles. Cite specific behaviors and statements, with specific reference to the leadership literature. The CO's leadership style is very much ad hoc -- in terms of his contempt for what he sees as overly theoretical book knowledge, it is also firmly based on his own long experience.

To some degree it recalls the fascinating research done by Malcolm Gladwell in his book Blink: Gladwell researches the possibility that snap decisions in many circumstances are more likely to be correct than laboriously researched and deliberated ones. Gladwell estimates that ten thousand hours of intense activity are required to gain real competency or fluency in an activity, and it is clear from the captain's age and the length of his command that he has seen many years of service and can now afford…. Technology and America's Global Power: America is considered as the cradle of contemporary anti-imperialism and the pioneer of a mighty empire across the globe. The country's global position in the 21st Century is defined by tensions in its policies and public discourse Hay, Consequently, the role of the United States as a sponsor of worldwide stability continues to raise concerns on whether an empire can function effectively on the basis of anti-imperialism.

However, the United States has also played a significant role in addressing and solving international order problems such as distant conflicts and grievances. During this process, America has continued to expand its global power to the extent of being viewed as the world's super-power. Technological advances have been critical elements with which the country has expanded its power through Military Technology: Information technology has been the main element behind America's military system which supports in global military…. References: Agre, P. Information Technology In the Political Process. html Boot, M. American Empire Is There Room at the Top? The question as to whether the United States is currently and will remain a superpower is the topic of much scholarly debate and in the general population around the dinner table.

The follow up question to that, of course is, is there room at the top for another superpower, and if so which country or countries will rise to the occasion? Is America really finished as the world's superpower? There are respected intellectual, members of the elite media core, think tank theorists, and many in society at large that seem to think so. In many newspapers, magazines, and on reputable news programs around the world, learner authors announce the end of the American era and advise that the rise of China and India, the resurgence of Putin's Russia, and the noted expansion of the European Union signifies a significant and profound shit….

Bibliography China State Council, White paper: China's peaceful development road. html Goldstein, A. Rising to the challenge: China's grand strategy and international security. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Ikenberry, J. The rise of China and the future of the West. Foreign Affairs,. Globalization has become a major boon for the teaching profession overall. An increased standard of living, accompanied by economic development has created a platform for which institutions of higher education can promote themselves. Particularly through the Internet and its overall reach throughout the world, higher institutions increase their influence.

This influence, primarily derived from a position of authority can help expand the soft power of institutions throughout the world. Faculty and staff are heavily influenced by the use of higher education to project soft power. Soft power is often characterized as a persuasive approach to international relations. This approach involves both economic and cultural influences by the institutions of higher education. Faculty and staff can therefore use their soft power to facilitate cooperation rather than coercion. For example when university policies are seen as legitimate both other countries, soft power is enhanced. Institutions within higher education are in a very….

powers of the presidency are listed and outlined in Article II of the Constitution of the United States. In a relatively brief explanation of the executive branch, the Constitution's framers present a vision of a president with very specific and limited powers. Those powers include the service of Commander in Chief of the nation's armed forces, thereby entrusted with the capability and responsibility of making key strategic decisions related to the behavior of the United States in all military matters. Additional roles played by the president include appointing Justices to the Supreme Court and other staffing decisions, which have major bearings on the political character and tenor of the nation.

Prior to the First and Second World Wars, the United States had remained relatively insular and isolationist in its approach to foreign policy. There were some strategic military engagements prior to that point, but as soon as the United States…. References Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the th Congress n. Government Printing Office. United States Constitution. Article II. The UN as Global Police Force and Negotiation Facilitator As Mingst and Karns note, the UN has played a predominant role in setting the standard for human rights—and it did so in , three years after the conclusion of WW2.

Global police action when it does occur tends to come from the U. UN-led partnerships…. Ultra Long-Term Perspectives World Energy Energy is a very important part of our lives and the world that we live in today. It has always been important since the time that the humans used to do all their work by themselves to the times when they started using animals and even today when we make use of the energy sources around us to produce energy such as electricity. Today our main source of energy are the fossils fuels that won't last forever as, they take millions of years to form and very little time to get used as a source of energy. One of the very important concerns of today's time is the speed with which we are consuming these fossil fuels and how it will be very difficult for us to keep up with the increased demand which is expected to double by as the population is expected….

References European Renewable Energy Council EREC. html Jess, A. What might be the energy demand and energy mix to reconcile the world's pursuit of welfare and happiness with the necessity to preserve the integrity of the biosphere? Energy Policy, 38 8 , -- IEA World Energy Outlook -- A comment. Energy Policy, 39 5 , -- Energy Policy, 48, -- China Syndrome Several interesting facts surrounding he China Syndrome are worth bringing out at the beginning of this paper. First, Jack Lemmon, Jane Fonda, and Michael Douglas, the principal actors in the film, were all actively anti-nuclear at one time during the s and s in California and Oregon. Fonda in fact flew from Los Angeles to Eugene Oregon in to appear as a celebrity on behalf of the proponents of Measure B, a ballot proposition which failed that would have restricted the further development of nuclear plants in Oregon pending the establishment of a safe repository for the highly radioactive "nuclear waste.

The "logic" of what Commoner has been saying for many years is playing out very clearly through the Bush Administration in Washington, in several ways. For example, rather than push Detroit to build cars that get much better mileage, the administration has sided with the auto industry, and worked against legislation that would force Detroit to make more fuel-efficient cars. Two years ago, the administration even went so far as to advocate tax breaks for people who buy big gas-guzzling SUVs. Rather than push solar power usage on middle class homes, cutting the need for electricity to heat hot water in homes, the administration has pushed for more the building of more nuclear plants, and has re-written rules regarding the Clean Air Act, in order to help utilities avoid having to install expensive equipment to put out less pollution.

The administration has also pushed for more oil drilling in places like Alaska, which plays into the hands of the oil companies, and does nothing for the average consumer and homeowner. And as for energy policies, and getting input from Americans as to what they feel should be pursued for future energy sources, this administration has been very pro-oil, pro-nuclear, and secretive about its plans. Vice President Dick Cheney held an energy meeting at the White House in , and though many groups sought information about what corporations were represented, and sued to find out what companies were invited and participated, the case went all the way to the Supreme Court, and still that information is not forthcoming.

Moreover, nuclear power poses fewer direct dangers than coal-produced electricity "Nuclear Power Now" nd. Furthermore, nuclear physicists are working towards solutions to the problem of radioactive waste disposal. Scientists hope also to devise new ways of improving nuclear power production processes, and most importantly, to minimize the creation of radioactive waste. As waste creation is minimized and waste storage is made safer, nuclear power will become a more sensible option. Until then, it should remain a small but significant percentage of all electricity generation worldwide because nuclear power does not exacerbate the immediate problem of greenhouse gas emissions.

eferences "Nuclear Power Now. Beginner's guide: how nuclear power works. energy1 Till, C. References "Nuclear Power Now. Interview with PBS Frontline. Organizational Structure According to Pugh , the organizational structure is an instrument that appears from the need to fulfill the organizational aims and objectives with the tools and activities that are available. Following the way that this process is managed, several types of organizational structures can be identified, including pre-bureaucratic structures, bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic structures, functional structures, divisional structures and matrix structures. Westinghouse organizational structure falls into several different categories.

On one hand, it is a bureaucratic structure. Handy, Charles, Understanding Organizations. Penguin Books. Deal T. And Kennedy, A. Weber, M. Essays in Sociology. London: Routledge 4. Pugh, D. Organization Theory: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin. These massive walls of water travel faster than a commercial jet as they descend upon cities and islands. Throughout history, humanity has seen numerous impacts of nuclear power on our lives, including positives and negative impacts. Besides these terrible impacts we have seen in history, nuclear power still has certain benefits. The most important advantage of nuclear power is that this is a sustainable resource that can produce electricity without leaving any carbon footprints.

As a result, nuclear power can be replaced the use of natural resources especially when they are running out. Moreover, building a nuclear power station is cleaner than a fossil fuel one which is directly responsible for the greenhouse effect. This can help to reduce carbon emissions causing global warming — a hot problem over the world these days. Last but not least, with the improvement of technology, the risks of the accident in nuclear power are being reduced. You use this word too often, consider replacing it with function talent influence capability potential. Consider using an m-dash if you do not want to join two words. What do you think?

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. Chinese Proverb.

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