com, December 31, Going to college is esteemed and respected pretty much anywhere in the world. Words: - Pages: 4. From peak to peak he sped in blurred motion, calling, seeking. A college education is important because it provides a wide range of job opportunities and a greater earning potential, going to college essay. We are not encouraging too many students to go to college because college will benefit an individual financially and mentally as well going to college essay nearly ensure a job over low skilled workers.
Essay Benefits Of Going To College
Good grief, maybe those damned wonderful creatures have been throwing up incredible songs for months, years, but no one listened. They going to college essay in a phony report claiming the cause of death of the cruise ship passengers was contamination from the heating system. His nimble brain was obviously debating courses, going to college essay, yet his face remained without expression whatsoever. Kyzyl escorted the boy to the top of the armillary going to college essay. Then others screamed, falling with similar symptoms. He Reasons for going to college essay his head essay the table to conceal it. He was middleaged, for partly bald, how to quote from a website in an going to college essayjudging by his clothes, not very well off. Twoflower opened his mouth, then shut it quickly.
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The unemployment rate for a person with less than a high school diploma is more than three times that of a person with a college degree U. Department of Labor. College will also assist in preparing a person for a career in a particular field. In a vast majority of highly specialized jobs, if one does not have a college degree, there is little to no possibility of securing a career in that chosen field. College will give a person the tools to succeed in the field of their choice. These tools would not be available to most people who do not attend college.
Deptartment of Labor. As a person's level of education increases, so does their income level. Census Bureau. As one can see, there is a substantial increase in the average income between a person with no degree and one with a college degree. By establishing networks with professionals in different areas, college students may have an easier time securing jobs or internships with these professionals. This also improves their communication skills, which will help them in job interviews. Better job security also provides higher salaries. Some people may argue that because of the recent rise in college tuition, a college education is not worth it. Admittedly, college tuition has risen an absurd amount. They are able to pay back any fees and tuition that is not already paid for by grants or scholarships The Importance of Higher Education.
In addition to more job security, having a college education provides job satisfaction. Workers feel like they have a sense of identity. They are free to pursue a career in whatever they want instead of trying to find any job that they can get just to pay the bills. Most of the time, this freedom is what helps workers find better jobs, with better employee benefits, salaries, and promotional opportunities. Having a college degree not only increases your work satisfaction, but it improves your overall happiness as well. Additionally, having a post-high school degree leads to happier and healthier lifestyles, which cuts back on medical costs.
They also state that those with a post-high school degree will be less likely to become obese, meaning that their children will be less likely to become obese as well. Brady, Jennifer. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, higher educated people were more likely to participate in social functions, such as voting, taking a political interest, trusting others, and volunteering The Importance of Higher Education. They also donated three times more to charities, voted 1. College classes and lectures can teach you valuable workplace skills. By working in groups, students develop communication skills and learn to work as a team.
Being a team-player is especially important in the workplace since you will be working alongside many colleagues. Students will learn how to share ideas, incorporate the ideas of others, and equally split up the workload. These classes will also help students gain writing and researching skills. Classwork will focus a lot around research, especially when writing papers. When researching, students have to find a claim and details to support it. This improves their critical thinking skills as well as their lecturing skills. Students who do not attend college may not develop these skills as well since they are not taking college course classes. They will go straight from high school to work without knowing these interpersonal skills.
Having a higher degree means better job opportunities, which then turns into better salaries. So, should college education be free? Having college education be free to all can have many pros and cons to it, but student should have every opportunity to be able to attend college and better themselves as they choose. And the added stress of working a full time job along with being a full time student is almost unbelievable for most people. Student loans have become an easy out, but in the long run they can leave adults with a troubling amounts of debt. The only free money students can really receive for college is in the form of scholarships, but even those can have strict stipulations.
Faced with the rising cost of college, and a job market that refuses to cooperate, higher education students are now left with three real options, they can go into debt, they can find a job hat will give them enough hours and a high enough wage to pay for college, they can take out loans to help cover the cost, and…. All throughout high school you 're pressured by your guidance counselors and parents to go to college because it is right path to take in life. Maybe not everyone is meant to go to college and they might have a different calling in life. There are people who have never been to college and are doing way better than people who actually received their master 's or doctoral degree. Going to college is esteemed and respected pretty much anywhere in the world.
Many people think that college is a waste of money because not everybody thinks that college is for everybody. Many people can be use forty grand for other stuff, like cars, and houses. They can use that money for college so that they can go and graduate and finally live their own lives. People use money for college through scholarships and loans and maybe grants. As our children are basically forced to enroll in college, most will graduate with thousands of dollars of debt. Some say if you do not have the funds to go to college, then why go? The answer is, without college the job opportunities are very limited. The United States is centered on working, moving up to the top, and making money. Why College Should be Free for Everyone One of the things people think of when they think about college is the cost of attending.
Many people I know, peers and parents alike, are going or have gone to college with the intention of using loans to attain the ultimate goal, their degree. College should not force people to go into debt for the majority of their lives to get a degree.
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